Rita Bailey (Bullhorn)

"That's justice out here. Can't depend on no one but yourself."

Rita Bailey is a tiefling bounty hunter from the Empire Freelands.


Rita was born in a small mining town, to a human father and mother who committed suicide after given birth to a devil child. Rita's home of Shadysand was nestled in the dry mountains and planes In of the Empire's land, where they lived relatively simple and unaffected lives from the struggles of the rest of the nation, at least for a time. The Empire has mining factories across it many territories, but well dried up, so did her town. Most of it's inhabitant moved on leaving the few who couldn't afford to behind. Rita's father was an inventor and clockmaker who owned his own repair and tinkering shop, with Rita as his apprentice. He purchased the schematics for a powerful Dwarven rifle, and modified it for increased stopping powers, dubbing it the Thundercannon.

Along with the local militia, Rita's father would use it to fend off bandits and outlaws. The biggest threats to her home town were local bandits looking to take advantage of the forgotten empire town's lack of protection. Eventually a group bandits broke into the store to steal the rifle and schematics. During the break-in, RIta's father was killed. The bandits were unable to find the rifle, which was successfully hidden away. Rita took the Thundercannon and sought her revenge. She used it to snipe out as much of the bandit crew as possible. With the sound of thunder and the death of their leader, the bandits fled. This began Rita's successful career as a bounty hunter.

Over the next few years Rita spent her time bringing law to the wild lands of the Empire, building up her reputation as well as her rogues gallery. She works gold, food, housing, or trade. In exchange for bringing some villains to justice, a tribe of woodelves gave her an enchanted camouflage poncho. Her eagle-eye spectacles were given to her by a merchant for saving his daughter from kidnappers. After her reputation had begun to grow, she was recruited by the empire for a special op group targeting the bandit groups of the land. While things started off well, this led to Rita's reputation souring due to her compatriot's horrible actions and behaviors. Realizing they were no better than the criminals the hunted, Rita went AWOL. This led to RIta having her own bounty, posted by her own government. Rita wasn't foolish enough to take on the whole Empire by herself. She traded some favors and hitched a ride on a smugglers ship, leaving everything behind, but the clothes on her back.


Rita earned her nickname for two reasons; the large horns on her head, and the fact is she's stubborn as a bull. When she sets her mind to something, she doesn't stop until she gets what she wants. She's a mean, whiskey-drinking, sharp shooting hunter, and she'll make sure you know it. Rita has her own sense of justice, but always operates on the right side of the law. Rita is more comfortable in the hot open planes under the stars than she is in the tight quarters of the Kingdom's cities and towns. Rite moves from place to place seeking work, and never goes anywhere without a flask full of whiskey and her gun across her back. If's she not out kicking ass, or stalking in a bush, she might be found in solitude curled up with a good book.

Skills and Abilities

Rita is an keen shot and able to see up to miles away will great clarity with her eagle-eye spectacles. She is also an exceptional inventor, pouring hours into advancing and upgrading her Thundercannon. As a tiefling, she has innate magicial abilities, which she has practiced and grown to use alongside her craft.


Rita sticks out with her large horns, yellow eyes, tiefling tail, and bright pink skin. She has a torn cowboy hat, with holes ripped in the brim for her horns to poke through. She has a color changing camouflaging poncho given to her by a tribe of woodelves, and a pair of enchanted glasses, with round frames, corned with small wings. Underneath Rita's poncho is a weathered button shirt, tucked into her worn brown pants. She owns a pair of once fine cowboys boots, now stained with mud and the blood of her bounties. Tucked into her pockets are only three things: ammo, gold, and her whiskey flask.