Kyokoto Legends

"They seem to be seeking these blades. But for what purpose?" -Izumi MinamiThe Kyokoto Legends campaign centers around the Iron Crow Syndicate and the Black Dragon Clan targeting the ancient dragonblades of the other noble clans of Kyokoto, in an effort to raise the forgotton shadow samurai from the dark world of the po, and gain total dominance over both planes of existence.


Status: In Progress

Within the Eastern Campaign, Izumi Minami with fellow warrior and friend, Kutalu have set out to eradicate the Iron Crow Syndicate and restore order to the fueding clans.

After meeting up at a forgotton waypoint fort overtaken by bandits, the widow Izumi and the lone ninja Kutalu, united in their common goal of bringing about an end to the Iron Crow Syndicate of the black dragon clan. Their initial journey took them down one of the main, long trade routes of the land, the Spice Road.

While upon the road the two fought off a fanatical cult of yuan-ti worshipping Grandmother Nightmare, Lamastu, survived a nightmare world created by the syndicate, and scaled the highest mountain in the land while it was shrouded in poison darkness, and repeled a gashudokuru amongst other feats.

After battling a fanatical Lamashtu member bent of opening a rift into the po and pulling out a powerful beast, Izumi and Kutalu stayed over in the nearby town as guests of honor for the yearly festival. During the battle, in the mirror world of the Po, a young kitsune named Inukora Shibari along with her uncle, sister and childhood friend, were straying close in desperate search of food for their clan. After stumbling across a human from the light world of the Hun, the kitsune group gave chase, following the man through a village full of rabid ratfolk and up into a shrine outside of town, they came across a peculiar sight. A rift had been open, displaying a shimmering world of light, and a scene depicting a chapel similar to the one they stood in, featuring a woman in a red kimono and armor, a man in a white gi wielding kunai, a crazed looking man behind a magic barrier, and several guardsmen. Before more could be observed, the chapel was attacked by a large bestial demon wielding a large greataxe. The battle was grueling, with Inu forced to put all her skills to the test, her uncle losing an arm, and her childhood friend giving his life for her.

Against the judgement of her clan elders and her sisters, Inukora jumped through the portal into the hun, followed by a powerful black mist that left into the night in a hurry. Confused but excited, Inu wandered the festival night of the nearby town before entering the towns inn and finding the two warriors she saw previously. While suspicious, the two allowed Inu to tag along the next day, and after briefly enjoying some of the festivities, the illusion was shattered quickly. The group fought off a group of raiding orcs, a prideful swords novice, and began investigating a series of murders that lead them into a ghost manor on the second night, and a tower of trials on the third.

Behind it all was the mist, or in it's natural form, a large shadow serpent known as the possessing thing. Capitializing on Izumi's weak emotional state, it possessed her, and made quick work of the remaining two warriors. The beast did not kill, and left the three in the hands of the townsfolk before disappearing into the night. Upon awakening and resting for a week, the three continued to the town at the end of the road, and crossed over to a small island off the coast, in search of the aid of a powerful combat master. Upon meeting him, Izumi made the bold claim of having the master undertake the three of them as his pupils, and teach them how to truly be dragon warriors. The training proved to be grueling and monotonous, and Kutalu fell halfway through, having given into a curse he recieved at Mount Ten Piku, and was slain by Inu.

On a brief break back into the town, the two were attacked by more minions of the black clan, relentless warforged assassins given the task of claiming the dragon warrior's heads. After destroying the assassins and returning to the master, the two set out quickly back to Ten Piku to retrieve the blue dragonblade. It was Inukora who underwent the traditional trial for the sword in the mountain core, as her blood tied back to the original blue clan. Braving the trials and proving successful, Inukora retrieved the blade, and returned to the island with Izumi. At this point, Master Suiken told the two of the Dark Tournament, a grueling tournament of demons and warriors in the Po, all competing for the grand prize, a powerful wish.

Player Characters Involved

Clans of Kyokoto

    • Blue Dragon Clan - Arashinome
      • Blade: Arashi no Hasshinsha (Storm Caller)
    • Red Dragon Clan - Moeru Tamashi
      • Blade: Nan Kashu (Flaming Soul)
    • White Dragon Clan - Ekitai no Ken
      • Blade: Tsurugi no Umi (Blade of the Ocean)
    • Black Dragon Clan - Shi no Ryu
      • Blade: Hanawotsuku Akui (Acrid Malice)
    • Green Dragon Clan - Dokuzetsu
      • Blade: Hitsuna Shi (Bitter Death)


    • Kutalu
      • Fell victim to a dangerous curse from the po, and was cut down by Inukora.