Niimeria Solskegge Blӧd Borne

"Godsdamnit Ruby!" - Niimeria after being glitterbombed

Niimeria is a member of the Blӧd Borne tribe, hailing from Misty Valley.


Niimeria is a native to the Blӧd Borne tribe of Yorrick Mountain in the Misty Valley. Niimeria has no knowledge of her father, and her mother, Freya Solskeggedotter, disappeared when Niimeria was still an infant. She was raised by her grandfather Jarl Krom Solskeggesson, alongside her cousin Silja. Niimeria was born with the griffin as her spirit animal. When Niimeria was eleven, the Vallaterrian Empire attempted to conquer the Misty Valley, but was driven back by First Hunter Rio, of the Salish wood elf tribe, and Haskaan the Wanderer. Niimeria was raised on stories of this grand battle, and the warriors who participated in it.

Krom was hard on Niimeria growing up. Having one daughter missing and his first born banished, he raised Niimeria to be a strong leader and guardian. When she was 13, Niimeria, her cousin Silja, and their childhood friends Ivos Dalgardsson and Sigrid Wolffsdotter, traveled into the woods, where they were ambushed by Gnolls. They would have been easily killed had it not been for a nearby band of Blӧd Borne hunters who came to their rescue. The four of them lived, but were left with permanent reminders of the event. Niimeria recieved several facial scars, while Silja and Sigrun had only suffered minor cuts. Ivos had been scarred the worst, losing his left eye to a wild dagger. Ivos doesn't blame Niimeria for his eye, but this would shape her life forever. If she couldn't protect her friends, how could she ever lead her clan?

Fearing the responsibility, four years later Niimeria packed up, and left her home during the night with nothing more than a small backpack and her mothers sword planning to never return. She headed south to start a new life for herself. Despite her age, Niimeria size and skill made her popular for simple body guard and protection jobs. She would work for coin or in exchange for food and shelter. This isn't what she had in mind for her new life, and needed to make a change. It was after a caravan guard job, where Nimeria met her soon to be partner-in-crime, Ruby Monroe. Both of them were looking to get rich, and teamed up to become some of the greatest, and sometimes strangest, thieves alive. It was during one of their earlier adventures where Niimeria rescued the griffin Greywind from a group of poachers.


Niimeria is a short tempered and a protective warrior friend. She is fond of drinking, brawling, and treasure. Unlike her friends, Niimeria is less of a thief and more of a thrill seeker. She prefers exploring ruins and dungeons for ancient riches. Niimeria was trained in sword and shield combat by her grandfather's friend, Raegar Wolffsson. In combat Niimeria combines her sword skills with her rage to control battlefield and to protect her allies. Niimeria is a natural born leader, but shirks responsibility due to self-doubt. She can be easily talked into dangerous situations by her friends, especially if her they plan at putting themselves at risk.

Skills and Abilities

Niimeria is trained in sword and shield combat. Like her grandfather she holds quiet the temper, and has learned to unleash it on her foes. She is an exceptional fighter, and employs a mixture of battlefield tactics, raw strength, and sword expertise in combat. Her arsenal consists of her mother's sword Ulfberht, hand axes, knives, and recently a prototype blunderbuss of Dwarven design. Members of the Blod Born tribe undergo a ritual at birth, which imprints the child spirit animal upon it. Clan members heavily attuned to their spirit can draw out particle traits through magic such as increased strength or improved hearing and smell. Legendary clan members can undergo a special ritual that, through the sacrifice of their spirit companion, can fuse body and soul. The fused member retains their natural form, but can shift to an animal state or a hybrid, akin to a werewolf.


Niimeria is a tall athletic woman, standing at six feet with bright blue eyes, pale skin, and numerous battle scars. She has shoulder length black hair, and is the only member of her family not to share their distinctive red color. Simple furs and Nordic tunics make up the majority of her outfits, but as she travels her attire changes to more urban and civilized clothing.


    • Niimy
    • Niimymeria
    • Limy Niimy
    • Blimy Limy Niimy
    • Ryhmey Niimy
    • Rick Niimes
    • Grimey Niimy
    • Meanimeria
    • Princess Niimeria, queen of the griffons, baker of cakes, heir to barbarian throne, drinker of (gross) ales, fixer of houses, besty to Ruby, defender of the weak, crusher of skulls, wearer of the fanciest dresses, and belle of the ball
    • Bitch-Pants-McCrabby
    • Felicia
