Mhurren Stomper

"Say... you one of them wizards?"


Mhurren was born to two half-orc adventurers in southern Vallaterria. His father grew tired of the life and convinced Mhurren's mother, Yaveena, to settle down and have a child. When Mhurren was 3 his father had that itch to explore again and left Yaveena and Mhurren to fend for themselves in the industrial city of Dunwich Bay. When Mhurren was 6, Yaveena took him to the market where a young urchin, named Charlie attempted to steal her coin purse. The poor boy had no family of his own and was adopted by Yaveena as well.

When Mhurren was 14 he and Charlie started working for the Seafarer's Shipping Company. His half-orc strength made him popular by the higher-ups. The S.S.C. was constantly harassed by a local gang know as the Bloody Sharks. After Mhurren and Charlie alone stood up to the gang, his coworkers convinced Mhurren to take up street boxing to win them all a profit from gambling. Mhurren saved up money from his fights to move his family to nicer place, Genovicia, Fraecia.

Mhurren and Charlie found jobs working, again as dock hands for the Salt End Shipping Company under Gerrell Embry. Mhurren bought a pleasant cabin outside of city walls in the Little Village near the Cathedral of the Ten. It wasn't long after that Genovicia was attacked by the plague knights. Mhurren and Charlie defended the warehouse and helped guide local civilians in for protection. Yaveena helped protect the people of Little Village fortifying within the cathedral. After the battle was over, Gerrell promoted Mhurren to Manager at the docs.

A few years after the first Plague Knight attack, the wealthy Silverto Firore began funding a public city hall within the heart of the city. The hall would have rotating exhibits and events for the betterment and growth of Genovician culture. The first exhibit was on ancient Iodon culture, and SIlverto had purchased three mummies from questionable sources to be displayed. The mummies arrived at the Salt End docks. During the journey awoke and rose as liches who planned to turn the world into their undead kingdom. The heroes of Genovica, Charlotte Embry and Vera Gerome rushed off to stop them. Gerrell concerned for his wife's safety sent Mhurren along to help them. After defeating the mummies together, Mhurren became a life long friend of the Embry family.

Mhurren's help stopping the Iodonian mummies brought him plenty of local fame and the scorn of his new friend's foes. One night Charlie and Gerrell were framed for the murder of a famous Genovician nobleman and barrister. Those two along with Charlotte were arrested and to be tried agiasnt the city for treachery, conspiracy, and murder. Mhurren, working with Vera, set out to prove their friend's innocence. Together the uncovered a conspiracy by the lawyer Lo Bello to removed the Embry's from the city. When evidence of his Lo Bello's corruption was brought to the attention of the city's duke, Lo Bello demanded the ancient right of trial by combat. Mhurren and Vera would to face against two of Lo Bello's chosen champions. A mysterious mage by the name of Reina and a brutal barbarian warlord by the name of Mojahn.

The battle was one of the fiercest Mhurren had ever faced. Reina's magic had left Mhurren's face scarred from magical acid burns, and his body nearly broken by Mojahn's might. Charlotte used what little magic she could to save Mhurrn's life. As Mojahn was going to strike Vera down, Mhurren intercepted his axe blow with his right hand, and rammed the jagged end of a broken potion bottle into the neck of Mojahn, killing him instantly. Mhurren's left hand was scarified, but it won the freedom of his friends and brother. Mhurren took this victory as a time to retire from the hero life and the docks. Charlie opened opened up a tavern and named it the Broken Bottle after Mhurren's stunning attack. Mhurren and Charlie's friends Bella and Crackpot moved from Dunwich Bay down to Genovicia to support them.

A few months later, another enemy of Charlotte and Vera, GIO, began to raise undead revenants and in the chaos Mojahn returned to the land of the living. With a small force of undead warriors, he kidnapped Mhurren's friends and family upon a ghost ship, and challenged Mhurren to a duel to the death for their freedom. The dual was a twin dragon battle. Both warriors were chained at the neck, and forced to battle till one of them falls. The battle was difficult with Mhurren having only one fight, but managed to defeat Mojahn by drawing on hidden power deep within he overcame the undead bandit king. Aterwards Mhurren and his family were able to retire in peace.


"Manners. Maketh. Orc". Mhurren is a polite, protective bear of a half-man. His mother instilled proper manners in him from a young age, but if you disrespect him or his friends he won't hesitate to put you in your place.

Skills and Abilities
