Haskaan the Wanderer


Haskaan the Wanderer is a dragonborn monk/barbarian originating from a tribe somewhere in Fraecia.


Haskaan was born within a tribe of Fraecian dragonborn known for their powerful warriors and brilliant tacticians. The tribe has a long line of warriors, and as such certain standards are still held when examining newborns. Should a baby prove to be too frail, sickly, or weak, it is cast into the dangerous wilds to feed the mightier predators. Such a judgement was passed on a small frail baby dragonling, who would one day take the name Haskaan and he was left for dead in the wilds as a toddler.

Fate had something else in store however, and he did not perish, but he thrived. As the years moved on he taught himself how to survive: to scavenge and hunt, to hide and to fight with his natural weapons, he grew strong, and climbed the foodchain rapidly.

One day, as a young adult, he stumbled across his tribe by pure chance, unknowing that he had been cast out, or that there were even other dragonborn. When he learned of his would be fate, he became enraged and left the tribe for good with a goal in life other than to survive. He would see everything that this world had to offer, and indulge in every pleasure he could find, to further laugh in the face of death. Taking the title of "the Wanderer" Haskaan set out to explore the realm with only the clothes on his back, and his hand fashioned battleaxe "Scourge Born".

Not long after he had started his campaign of debauchery, he found himself being herded off to a small prision in a modest sized village within the Misty Valley. It was here he met with a tribal elf girl named Rio whom he (very) briefly shared a cell with. After the prison break, Rio hired Haskaan to help her with her quest to save her tribe, and the entire Misty Valley region from Vallaterian forces.


Haskaan is to the point and very blunt when speaking with others. He doesn't care if he comes off as rude or crude, as he is only out to accomplish his goal of seeing all and doing all. He is a big adrenline junkie, and quite often gets into fights or puts himself in harm's way just for the hell of it. Unlike most dragonborn he cares little for honor or virtue, so long as he gets to crack some skulls, and then drink the night away in the company of a lovely lady.

Skills and Abilities

Haskaan is an accomplished hand to hand fighter. He uses his brutal dragonborn strength and endurance, and natural claws, fangs and knuckles to his advantage in every fight. Despite his titanic figure, Haskaan posseses lightning reflexes and is very quick on his feet, able to move faster than even a fleet footed elf, or throw out a multitude of hardhitting punches before his opponent has a chance to react. His speed and strength, couple with the fact that he is not afraid to fight dirty, makes him especially dangerous in close combat. When facing overwhealming odds, or just to get down to the nitty gritty, Haskaan will finally draw his Greataxe "Scourge Born II". He is as brutal and effective with his axe as he is with his fists. Haskaan dislikes using the axe in most battles however because "it kills the fun too quickly".


Haskaan is a giant, even for a dragonborn, towering above his opposition at over eight feet and nearly 400 pounds. His titanic frame is thick and corded with muscle and the scars of his harsh upbringing in the wild and on the road. His scales are a tarneshed gold, and he keeps his dreds long and inlaid with small trinkets he picked up here and there. His attire consists of a worn travelling coat, and torn leather leggings leading down to well walked in boots, with the fronts ripped out for his claws. He carries Scourge Born II on his back, a knapsack over his shoulder and his bladed knuckles never leave his hands.