Ruby Monroe (Fiontan)

"Looks like these guys mean business... and not the good kind!"

- Showdown at the Pious Sinner

Ruby Monroe (family name Fiontan) is a half-elven dhampir thief from Vallateria, and quite possibly one of the greatest of her time.


Ruby was born the daughter of Knight Commander Astrian Fiontan and the young vampiress Ravanna Summerstar. Because of her mother's turning during her pregnancy, Ruby's birth was cursed, causing her to be born a half vampire. Though she is of elf and human blood, Ruby takes more after her mother, sporting full elf ears and a very pretty face. She never knew her true parents however, as shortly after she was born, she was brought to St William’s home for destitute youth in Vallateria. Her father left to go and battle the returning lord of darkness the Void, and her mother was believed to have died in childbirth. She spent a few years at the orphanage making a few friends, and growing very close to the kindly dwarven woman running the orphanage. Soon enough she was adopted by the owners of a local inn in the small city of Windwick. The owners of the Blue Moon Inn were two kindly middle aged humans, who looked after Ruby like she was their own. The couple enjoyed taking in orphans, and Ruby grew up with four adoptive brothers and one sister. The couple were loving, and taught the children much about business and running an inn, assuming one would take over one day.

Around Ruby’s eleventh birthday, the couple fell into dire financial straits due to her adopted father’s gambling addiction, not that they were ever well off to begin with. Ruby, desperately looking for a way to give back, took to thieving in the streets to gain the necessary coin. Lying about having found work, her efforts kept the inn afloat. One day, four years later, an interesting looking fellow caught the eye of the young thief. He was a short man, obviously a halfling, and dressed in the most outlandish clothes Ruby had ever seen. Frills, fluff and a large top hat adorned him. Taking him for foreign royalty, Ruby stalked her mark gleefully, through the crowded streets, and over buildings and causeways. On attempting the swipe however, the man easily caught her. Instead of turning her into the guards, the halfling said he was quite impressed with her agility and skill, and offered her an “honest” job with his travelling circus. Though skeptical, Ruby came to accept, and spent the next five years travelling with the circus as an ‘aerial contortionist’. She grew very close to the carnies of the circus, and they became a second family to her. Over the years she was taught many skills from the performers, including playing two instruments, knife throwing and fighting, and fencing, as well as pushing her agility and superhuman strength. She gained popularity as the Magnificent Miss Monroe among her fans.

As the years rolled on, the circus gained in popularity, so much so, that during their travels through the neighboring country of Fraecia, a local human duke requested their entertainment at his upcoming festival celebrating the anniversary of the “uniting” of the land. The turnout was much larger than expected and a small detachment of Company of the Wing soldiers and an officer, a noblewoman by the name of Fantine, were dispatched to keep order. The festival was to last three days, and Ruby was having the time of her life. Her performances went off great, and she “commandeered” a good sum from the noble crowd. Despite the company’s presence, Ruby never felt intimidated, and even wound up chatting their commander Fantine up over the course of a day. While she insisted on remaining vigilant, she did remark that she was impressed by Ruby’s talents. On the second day, Ruby had a strange man accost her behind the circus tent, and asked for her hand in a grand heist. They would be set for life he said. After a brief questioning Ruby agreed, and eagerly awaited the night.

On the third day however, things took a turn for the worse. The duke was found dead in his chambers, his neck bitten and drained of blood and his treasury partially depleted. Castle staff and a few drunken nobles had various descriptions of a figure seen entering the castle late that night. The consensus was a male of unknown age dressed in a dark masquerade outfit. Fantine, having received reports of a man of a similar description frequenting the main circus tent the days prior, put the entertainers under “house arrest”. The commander paid special attention to Ruby, having learned of her talks with the culprit. Having the young star placed under watch in the tent before they could march her back to the capital, Ruby escaped in the evening, but had to leave most of her recent spoils behind.

After clearing the Fraecian border, back over into Vallateria, Ruby encountered a tribal girl by the name of Niimeria, who would soon become her partner in crime, and best friend for life.


Ruby is a very eccentric girl full of energy. She is almost always upbeat despite the situation, and is seen by most as somewhat childish. However, this fact aside most are very quick to realize that despite her demeaneor she has quite the impressive skillset, and is a born thief. She is a very caring individual who truly treasures her friendships with others even more than gold (although you would never tell by simply watching her). When she is not practicing her skills on city nobility, she is exploring old ruins and dungeons in search of forgotten treasure with her best friend Niimeria.

Skills and Abilities

Having practiced her thieving skills ever since she was a young girl, Ruby is an expert at picking pockets, cutting purse strings, and getting into and out of noble estates unseen. Her time with the travelling circus further honed her natural dhampir agility and strength, pushing it to impressive levels. It was there that she also learned how to handle knives and other blades from some of her fellow carnies. Though Ruby is a dhamphir, or half-vampire, she detests drinking blood, and will only use her fangs to bite when she has no other option (and even then, not to drink). Because of her day-born heritage the sun does not harm her any more than a normal mortal, and she does not need to drink blood to survive.

Family Members and Close Friends

Adoptive Mother: Lisette Monroe, Human 58: Co-Owner of the Blue Moon Inn

Adoptive Father: Vernell Monroe, Human 60: Owner of the Blue Moon Inn

Brother: Lukas Monroe, Human 20: City guard in training

Brother: Waylan Monroe, Human 17: Shoemaker apprentice

Brother: Vico Monroe, Half-elf 19: Layabout but popular with the ladies

Brother: Grant Monroe, Human 19: Fletcher/Hunter

Sister: Madeline “Maddy” Monroe, Human 15: Looks after the parents, wants to be an artist

Maestro Scofflaw's Traveling Circus of Theatricality

Ringleader: Maestro Scofflaw, 42 Halfling

Magic Puppeteer:

Bladesmaster (Impalement Arts, Stage Combat): “Lord” Grimaldi, Human, 48

Strongman: Half Orc

Lead Circus Clown:


Hat manipulation/Ventriloquism:

Trapeze/Cloud Swing: Verla, Halfling 32

Mythical Beast Tamer:


Ruby is a small girl standing 5'4 and weighing around 112lbs. Despite the fact that she is still quite fit, her slim frame belies a startling strength. Her complexion is a pale white, with several light freckles scattered about. She has bright blue eyes, that turn red when in darkness. Her hair is a light blonde, almost white in the right lighting, that she enjoys frequently changing the style and length of. Ruby prefers to wear flashy and comfortable outfits with plenty of accessories while she is "off the job", and stylish light armor while on. Her color scheme is usually a mix of reds, blacks, browns and dark blues.



Fellwater Innkeep



Early Life

Usual Gear

The Iconic Gear