Pyramid Gift Box and Vinyl Panels

Today you will use the vinyl cutter to create a pyramid gift box with custom vinyl panels.

When opening an Inkscape DXF file into Silhouette Studio, the sizing often changes.

Before you move to the Silhouette Cameo, you should record the size of your pyramid gift box and vinyl panels.

Download and Open the Triangle Panel 3.7 inch base template

Locate the file below, Right-Click on the Download Arrow, and save the file to the Desktop.

Locate the file on the Desktop, Right-Click and select Inkscape.

Use DUPLICATE to create three more triangles

You should see one triangle with a hole.

You will need a total of four for your pyramid gift box.

Use Duplicate, either from the Edit Menu, by Right-Clicking, or keyboard shortcut (CTRL+D), to create four triangle panels.

You might arrange them like so:

Customize y our Panels

You can customize each panel. Keep in mind that each panel will be made of vinyl that you will adhere to cardstock.

(Optional) Using Text

If you would like to use text, make sure it will fit inside the triangle. When you have completed your message and font selection, make sure your text is selected, then go to Path>Object to Path. This is important because otherwise, your text will be invisible to the vinyl cutter.

(Optional) Using Shapes

You can use Circle, Square, Star/Polygon – and use the Tool Controls for each shape to experiment with them.

Use of the Spiral is not recommended. You can further experiment with shapes by going to Path>Object to Path, then selecting and modifying the type of node, or the angle/curvature of the node.

(Optional) Using Bezier

The Bezier Tool can be tricky at first, but you can use it to create original shapes, or manually trace a shape. You use it by clicking to leave your first path node – you’ll get straight lines if you simply click, and you’ll get curves if you 1) start to move the mouse and 2) decided where you want the line to curve, click-hold the left mouse button, 3) complete the curve by clicking to release the line and start a new one, or 4) hit enter to finish your line.

Record the Size of Your Design

Now we need the full size of your design. This is important, because Silhouette Studio will automatically upscale it, and we will need to resize it so your panels will fit on the pyramid.

Start by selecting everything in your work area. You can do this with Edit>Select All, by drawing a selection box around everything, or using CTRL+A. Now that you have selected everything, check the Width and Height and record it below.Record the Width _________ and Height __________ of your design.

Save as SVG and DXF

Save your file as an SVG, the default Inkscape file type. An SVG is easy to edit, and can be used again later.

Also save your file as a DXF. DXF is the file type for the Silhouette Cameo.

Select your Cardstock and Vinyl

Now select your cardstock and vinyl. The Pyramid Gift Box file on the page can be downloaded at any time for the cardstock, and you will use the DXF you just created for the panels.

Resize in Silhouette

Locate the Scale Window in Silhouette – it’s after Move and Rotate (and it looks like argyle).

With your designs selected, enter the Width (that you recorded in step 7) under Specify Dimensions. Make sure Lock Aspect is selected – just beneath Lock Aspect, select Apply for the scaling to take effect.


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