3D Printed Flower Pendant

Today you'll learn how to create a 3D print from an image online.

Download and Open Flower Template

Locate the template all the bottom of the page.

Use the download arrow to the right of the 40 px by 40 px Template. Right-Click on the arrow, select Save As, and save the file to the Desktop.

Google Image Search: Flower

Starting at www.google.com or http://images.google.com and try some key words like: flower (or a type of flower), outline, drawing, black and white, vector, or silhouette.

To save a flower, select it, then select View Image, then Right-Click on the image to save to Desktop.

Insert Flower into Template

Insert the flower by a) selecting File>Import, or b) select the file, Click-Hold and drag it to the open template.

Use Trace Bitmap on Flower

Select the flower and go to Path>Trace Bitmap.

In the menu, select Grays, set Scans to 2, and check Remove Background. Select Update and OK. Close the dialogue box.

(Optional) Use node tool to alter your design

Double-Click, or select the Node Tool (

Size your image

Save your Flower as an SVG

123D Design

Open 123D Design and Import Flower SVG as Sketch

Extrude Flower

Check Contact Points

(Optional) Create a Hanging Hole for Pendant using Subtract

Export STL

Open file in MakerBot Desktop

Reviewing MakerBot Desktop Settings
