3D Printed Holiday Ornament

Create and 3D print a custom holiday ornament.

Your ornament will be between 20-60mm per dimension (X, Y and Z).

Below are a few shape combinations, you can copy them and take them apart using this TinkerCad link, or you can sketch out an idea for an ornament. If you need inspiration, Macy's has an extensive ornament collection!

1. Sketch it out

Are you going traditional, unique, or personal message?

2. Create an account at www.TinkerCad.com


3. Start designing

4. [Optional] Create a Hanging Hole

If your design doesn't have a built-in hole to hang up your ornament, add one.

You can use a cylinder sized down to about 5mm, or add a ring shape to the top of your design.

5. Printing Flat versus Volume

Flat Design = use Quick Print

Layer Height is .30mm

Uncheck Raft and Supports

Voluminous Design = use Custom Print

To print Hollow do the following in MakerBot Desktop Settings

Under Custom Tab

Go to Infill and change Infill Density to 0%

Go to Model Properties and change Layer Height to .30mm and Floor Thickness to .00mm