Laser: Night Light

How do we laser cut a night light?

Good question -- check out the Flickr photo album for Make a Laser Cut Nightlight to see the different approaches you might take!

Download the Template

Download the template.

Find an image

View image

Click View Image, then Right-Click to Save As

Tracing the image

Save Image to Desktop. Open Inkscape, go to File> Open, and select the image. Select Embed Image.

Once the image is open, go to Path> Trace Bitmap

Use the settings below to get a single scan of your silhouette. Select Update> OK> X to Close.

Delete the original, keep the silhouette with the paths

Resize and add a base

Does your image fit in the 2" x 3" box?

Resize by

Add a base by

Fill and Stroke Settings

Go to Object> Fill and Stroke to change your shape to an outline. For Stroke Paint, select Red.

Design Review

We'll take a minute to look over everyone's designs so we can work out any needed changes.


Save your file as an SVG, using your name, for example: Sarah.svg


Surveys are here: