Game and Models

3D model repositories and laser cutting how-tos are more readily available. How might we use these available resources to inspire and dazzle adults and youth?

1. Why models and games?

Do you have collections which could be highlighted by a model?

Do you have games which are missing pieces, or could be customized with pieces representing local relevance?

2. What resources are available?

Here are some to start. (i.e., you can find the Met on it: or a model of caffeine: [accurate?])

Laser Cut Settlers of Catan Board:

Laser Cut Easels:

Laser Cut Cupid:

3. What to highlight?

Now that you have reviewed some possibilities, discuss and share with the group some ideas you have. Use the opportunity to learn from each other.

4. What's the plan?

Let's discuss how we can get started on your plan.

5. Let's get started!

Let's consult and see what we can get started today!

6. Survey

 We'll direct you to the survey which helps us improve our workshops and learn about makerspaces in libraries.