3D Printed Business Card Stand

Participants will design a custom business card stand.

Get inspired by this Google Image Search.

Design Considerations

According to the Designer's Toolbox, an average business card in the United States is 89mm wide and 51mm high, or 3.5" wide and 2" high.

The more material in your design (think chain-link fence versus a fence made of 2'x4's), the longer it will take to print.

As you design, think economically, in terms of frame or skeleton versus fill.

Create a TinkerCad account

Advantages of TinkerCad.com.

Starting TinkerCad

After creating a new account, TinkerCad automatically starts in lesson mode.

Go to New Project or New Design. Many of our shape and tool options are on the right.

Using TinkerCad

Use the white cubes to resize objects.

Use the cone to raise and lower objects along the Z-axis.

Use the curved handles to rotate or flip objects.

Parts of the Stand

Your stand will need a base. The base should be 2mm.

Click here to Tinker the image below.

If you would like to do something similar to the above...

Rear posts are 4mm wide and 30mm high.

Front posts are 2mm wide and 10mm high.

Group your shapes

Select all of your shapes and click Group. It's important to group your shapes, or it may not print as expected!

Design Properties: Rename & Download STL

Under Design, go to Properties to name your design. You can also make the design public here. You will then select Download for 3D Printing and select STL format.

Prepare in MakerWare & Print

You can open MakerWare and add the STL file to the work area. We will change layer height to .34mm.


Surveys are here: https://sites.google.com/site/cplmakerlab/surveys