Chapter 2 - Redbrands

Post date: Sep 22, 2017 7:20:46 PM

The heroes returned from the Old Owl Well, saddened with Flick's loss and prepared to seek out the Redbrands and their leader "Glasstaff". After recovering and then discussing their options with Edermath (their Gauntlet contact, a retired marshall and Flick's uncle), they were surprised to find that Flick had returned to life. Apparently he had been brought back from death by the Gauntlet priest Tamhas Urchardan.

Cheered by the miracle, the heroes decided to face off against the ruffian band known as the Redbrands that had been terrorizing Phandalin. A vicious tussle later at the dirty watering hole known as the Sleeping Giant, left most of the Redbrands unconscious, except for one that managed to escape and run towards Tresendar Manor (the Redbrand hideout). Pirerite made a deal with the surly dwarf Grista to take part ownership in the tavern, while the group managed to convince a returning Redbrand gang that they were interested in joining up with the Redbrands.


Escorted to the hideout, and stripped of their weapons, the group met Glasstaff himself, who showed some interest in their bold offer to join his gang. They were invited to stay the night, and in the morning Magmys was given a magical mask that allowed him to see magical auras (as well as magically charming him to follow Glasstaff's desires). The group was given a task to test their loyalty, bring back the head of Edermath. Glasstaff sent a undead owl and one of the redbrands along with the group, to make sure no trickery ensued. A cunning few hours later resulted in the heroes having disarmed the mask, and bringing a "captive" Edermath back for Glasstaff to do with as he liked, all of this with the ruffian none the wiser.

Meeting with Glasstaff once again (backed by a hulking bugbear and a half dozen redbrands), the wizard ordered Flick to behead Edermath. A vicious fight erupted as the heroes tried to reach Glasstaff before he could escape. Unfortunately, he managed to escape through a secret tunnel.

The heroes chased him through the complex, as Glasstaff used illusion and trickery to lure Flick into a fall through a weakened wood bridge over a chasm. In the confusion that followed, drunken redbrands, a abyssal creature able to read the heroes deepest secrets and corrupt their flesh with a glance, another bugbear, and Glasstaffs mage bolts through the heroes into disarray, killed Flick, and forced the heroes to flee towards the entrance, carrying their fallen. 


As they were about to flee the manor, well aware that the Redbrands were in hot pursuit and their chances of escaping were slim, they were beckoned by a half-elf female scout named Claryssa from a shadowed doorway. After quickly hurrying through the door, Claryssa concealed the door with illusion as the drunken Redbrands continued past the heroes hiding place. Claryssa shared that she was Edermath's daughter (Flick's cousin) and had heard that Flick was in the area facing off against a ruffian band. She had come to help, and managed to find where the Redbrands were keeping their prisoners, several of which appeared to move with the competence that speaks of adventurers. Searching for a safe place to rest, the heroes circumvented a dangerous pit trap, destroyed a trio of skeletons guarding a crypt, and managed to trick the Redbrand guards into heading off to report to Glasstaff. Freeing the prisoners and discovering the Redbrand armory, the group prepared to defend the villager Mirna Dendrar and her two teenage children, thirteen-year-old Nars and eighteen-year-old Nilsa.


Mirna revealed that a few days ago, the Redbrands had murdered her husband, Thel, for defying them. That night, the gang returned and abducted the family from their home in Phandalin. She overheard the gangs plan to sell the family into slavery. Grateful for the heroes help, Mirna told the heroes that she believes that she knows where a valuable family heirloom is hidden. When she was a young girl, she and her family fled from the town of Thundertree after undead overran the place. Her family had an herb and alchemy shop, inside which a case containing an emerald necklace was hidden beneath a section of storage shelves. She never dared to return and retrieve it. The shop was in the southeast part of Thundertree. The heirloom is theirs, if they find it.

After a short rest, several Redbrands ended up attacking them from multiple directions, led by the ferocious bugbear. The heroes managed to defeat them, but were badly hurt in the fight. Deciding they had to risk fleeing the mansion, the heroes tried to get the villagers to safety. The abyssal predator ambushed them on their way, killing the halfling Korrin and then decaying the gold elf wizard Alen with a single look when Alen tried to enter the chasm with it to get to its treasure box. 


Magmys considered following Alen into the chasm, desperate to retrieve a valuable gem he had let Alen use and hoping to get the treasure box himself, but was swayed by the others to try to get the villagers to safety first. Pierite tried to hold off Glasstaff at the entrance to the hideout, but was taken captive. Nars shared with them, a concealed tunnel he had seen earlier and villagers were herded out of the tunnel. Glasstaff attempted to negotiate with Magmys, offering to turn Pierite over to them if they were willing to leave 2 of their number behind as Redbrand prisoners. Magmys considered, but decided the risk was too great and escape the manor via the concealed tunnel.

After returning to town and informing Sildar of Glasstaff's appearance, Sildar realized that his comrade Iarno Albrek must have created the Redbrand gang and installed himself as their leader. Iarno took the alias Glasstaff to conceal his identity. Sildar was dismayed when he found this out, and offers a 100gp reward for capturing the wizard. Sildar intends to have Iarno transported back to Neverwinter to face the judgement of a higher authority.