Aleyd Burral

KnightFemale Human Black Fist Guard


Knight Aleyd Burral is a formidable warrior with a keen mind, but the soft-heart she hides under a stern frown has kept her from advancing further in the Knights of the Black Fist. In her late 40s with grey-streaked blonde hair, she has decided that doing her job well and protecting Phlan is perhaps more important than advancement. She does not suffer fools and counts adventurers among the most foolish of all.


Location: Stojanow Gate in Phlan

Knight Burral's attention is spread thin. She is one of the few members of the Black Fist with an actual desire to use their position for the betterment of the city, rather than that of their own pockets. The corruption that runs rampant in the order frequently renders her impotent to perform her duties to her satisfaction. As such, she maintains a healthy relationship with the various adventuring factions that have taken up shop in Phlan in response to the looming threat of the Cult of the Dragon.


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