
Male Mulhorandi Human Investigator

Physical Description

Age: 43

Hair: Bald with goatee

Eyes: Black

Build: Lean

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 165 lbs

Clothing: Karim favors light clothing that is more comfortable in desert climates. During investigations, his famous long trenchcoat and sword cane are well known in criminal circuits. When going into highly dangeous environments, he often wields a pair of Kukris.



Much of Karim's personality developed from being raised in his Mulhorandi family's culture. He has been taught to live by logic, without succumbing to emotional impulses. Karim will often remain quiet, observing developing situations and stepping in at the right moment to turn the development at the right moment. To many, he comes across as distant and cold. He has joined the Order of the Gauntlet to help search for and bring to justice the cultists who slew his family.

Faction: Order of the Gauntlet

Current Activity 

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Family: Mulhorandi


Karim watched his entire family be slaughtered by cultists. He was saved by a paladin of the Order of the Gauntlet and taken to a orphanage. When he came of age, he joined the witch watch, was trained as a investigator, and joined the Order of the Gauntlet to hunt the cultist that infest the Moonsea.