
Art is important to me, because I can make anything I want, and  I can do it anywhere. I enjoy making art in my free time as well. A few examples are making friendship bracelets, drawing, and coloring. I make art for a purpose. Sometimes I make art for fun, or for my friends and family. I enjoy giving what I make to people, because it makes me happy to see that they like it. During this project,  I  learned that I can be more independent. Another thing that I learned about myself is that I can figure out different ways to fix a mistake. Making this project also taught me that I don’t have to always worry about what’s happening. For example, when I was making my project and we only had two weeks left to finish, I was worried that I wouldn’t finish in time. As the final days were coming, my anxiety level started to go down as I realized that I would be able to finish my project.

Last year, in 7th grade  we did a unit on block printing and jelly printing, and  I enjoyed making them. It inspired me to create my art project because I got to do what I like. With my project I got to choose the materials I used and what my project was about. The title of my project is “Love and Growth”, because I’m trying to show the things I love, the areas where I struggle, and how important it is to have both of them in my life. The materials I chose to use were block prints for the prints, ink, and colored pencils to add color to the prints.  I used some straight lines for most of the prints,  curved lines, circles, and a variety of shapes. The colors I used were the primary and secondary colors, because for me those are the easiest colors to use. When someone is looking at my artwork I want them to realize that we all have struggles and things we love in life.