
I like art because I can tell stories without having to say anything. Art is important to me because it allows people to express themselves and their opinions. It can help explain something in a new way when other forms of communication don’t work as well. This is really good for visual learners. Art also allows people to interpret something in completely different ways. For example, one person could see a smile and another person could see a cloud in the same art piece. 

I liked using clay because it was something relatively new for me. It also allowed me to do more than if I just painted this piece. I chose to make 2 cakes out of clay. The cakes are inspired by my grandparents. My grandma absolutely loved coconut cake and my grandfather loved german chocolate cake. In real life both of these cakes can be very tricky to make. But this way I have permanent versions of the two. Having a permanent cake is a funny joke especially with my cousin laurel. We  bought my Grandma a nice coconut cake from Georgia and a coconut cake from Safeway. My cousin told my grandma “Hey, I’m gonna cut the coconut cake in the fridge.” to which my grandma replied “No you will not. You’re gonna cut the safeway cake.” My cousin was not excited about this but had no rebuttal. The funniest part is that my grandma did not cut this cake for a full year.  So, this  cake is yet another coconut cake that my cousin will never cut

I also made these cakes because my family’s love language is definitely food. At every gathering there is food and that is normally how we connect. As you probably know by now I used clay and acrylic paint. I tried to match the colors as much as possible to the actual cakes. I made a circular cake because when I made these cakes in real life I made them circular. I wanted to capture all of the memories that I associate with these cakes into the piece itself. I also decided to make them hollow, with lids that come on and off to use them as boxes for keepsakes or jewelry.