
Hi! My name is Kate and over this term, I painted a lot of fish. All those fish have one major similarity. Art class. Why is art important to me? To me, art means expressing whatever feelings I'm feeling on that day. This term's art class has been really satisfying in allowing me to be super creative in planning while also being chill and just going with the flow when it goes wrong. Something I learned was that I need a lot longer than I thought I needed to work on each tiny little element. An example of this was when working on the background of my piece I thought it would take me 1 class but it actually ended up being almost 2 hours which in the moment felt like forever. 

How did these pieces start? Earlier this summer I got stung by a jellyfish, due to that I searched up some pictures of jellyfish that were really pretty. After that I added some other sea creatures for other pieces including a shark (big fish), seahorse ( small fish), and starfish (not actually a fish). It was A LOT of painting. Some of the people who helped me stay motivated were my friends. At times I felt discouraged and ready to just move on to something else. My friends told me not to give up and “man up and keep painting” although this message may appear as rude to you, I wouldn't have finished these pieces without their encouragement through the whole process.

Some of the things I hope you will see when looking at my piece is first of all, my awesome art skills, second a fascination with all the cool, pretty things associated with the ocean, and third, an overwhelming need to say “ooooooh, ahhhhhh.” I made this piece using a lot of acrylic paint, modge podge, and a gorgeous addition of glitter glue. I hope you like it!