
I like making art because it is a fun way to show what my passions are and a way to be creative. Art is important to me because it can show up in a lot of different ways, one of those ways being music, which comes up a lot in my life. Art is important to society because it can bring people together through shared interests and art also impacts society through the messages that they say. Many artists use art as a way to get other people involved in issues you care about. Artists can contribute to society by making statements or being activists with their work. 

When we were brainstorming ideas for these art projects I had no idea what I was going to make, and one of my friends said to just make a piece about something you’re passionate about, so I made a piano. I was in a wood design class last year which I really enjoyed, so I knew I wanted to incorporate that into my work somehow and making a piano was the perfect way to do it. I added voice boxes to it so it played music because I thought just a mini piano would be really boring. I also thought it would be a fun way to get the audience involved in the art piece when they come to look at it. Originally I wanted to record myself playing the piano, but the voiceboxes didn’t pick up the sound very well, so I just chose pieces that I know how to play and recorded them from my phone instead. I hope that when people look at my piece and play the piano they enjoy listening to the music and find it fun.

Lily’s Piano, 2024

Wood, clay, acrylic paint, voiceboxes