
Hey, I’m Rose. Ever since I was little, I’ve liked art. I draw fashion illustrations on occasion, and I make earrings as a hobby.  Speaking of being little, let’s talk about the crushing inevitability of death :). Every year is a year closer to being old, and while some may say that’s a good thing, it’s probably actually a good thing because it means you’ve been alive for a while. However, when you’re old you slowly begin to shut down, which causes many people above the age of 25 yearn for ‘the good old days’ of childhood. This art project was a reflection of that concept. On a completely unrelated note, I have a friend who hates spiders. I promise this factors into where I’m going.

Have you ever had the privilege of experiencing preschool or kindergarten arts and crafts? It’s a wonderland of colorful popsicle sticks, googly eyes, and of course, conveniently easy to shape pipe cleaners. For me, art back in those days was always a source of joy.  Another very early memory is the delicate paper butterfly mobile that hung from the light in my childhood bedroom. I was always transfixed by the butterflies because of their colors, and because of the beautiful rhinestones that adorned their wings. Many times I tried to climb or jump high enough to touch them. This resulted in one of the butterflies losing a wing. Still, that interest in mobiles has never really faded. I would say Childhood nostalgia was definitely the deciding factor in working on a pipe cleaner mobile.

Spider Mobile 

Pipe cleaners, yarn, pony beads