
My name is Elsa; art is important to me because I enjoy being creative and exploring new ways to make things. In the process of making my weaving I learned how to be patient with a long project, and adjust my plan based on the amount of time I have left. Art should be important to society because it can be used to express important things. People use art to reflect on the past. People enjoy art, especially when it is ingrained into architecture. People sometimes rate cities on how beautiful they are, and art plays a major role in that beauty. Art can be the reason people choose to be where they are, because they want to be around art. Art has been around for so long it just seems normal. I find it hard to imagine a society with no art. Just think of how weird and boring that would be.

I always thought that I wanted to make another weaving after taking a class and teaching my sister. I happened to have a loom that I used for teaching my sister months before. I used that for my project. My sister inspired me to make the final image because we had planned something similar for a weaving brainstorm I had with her when trying to inspire her to try weaving. She chose something else but the idea still remains. My weaving is a vase with felted flowers above it. My plan was always to make it have flowers. I thought I would weave a large flower with smaller felted flowers around it. In my planning faze I realized weaving a flower would be very hard and take much more time. A vase would be much easier and look simpler. First I used a multi shaded green yarn and a slightly thinner light purple yarn. I also used a sturdy green string; to be a support line for the other pieces of yarn. Then I sewed the ends of the yarn and cut them really short. After, I glued them to the back of the weaving. For the flowers I take colored felt and poke them with a special needle a lot. This lets me shape the felt into the shapes I want. All that was left was attaching the flowers to the right place. 

Yarned, 2024

Yarn, felt, and glue