
I have always liked making art, as a quick project or a many-month-long project. It has always been something fun. Art is something that has no rules, you can make whatever you want. Art is a way of connecting with people without words, it can let you show yourself to the world without having to do a big speech. Art for me has been a way to have fun with my mom, we will just sit on the couch and watch Marvel movies while eating popcorn and knitting. While making this project, I learned how to work with a new type of yarn and make a neckline.

When I was thinking about what I wanted to make for my project I thought about the carbon footprint of fashion in the world, so I knew that I wanted to make an article of clothing by knitting it using recycled materials. I have always loved making and designing clothes. Knitting for me has been very calming and relaxing, so I decided to knit a shrug using recycled sari yarn. I used the sari fabric yarn because I have always wanted to try to knit with it, turns out it is not very stretchy yarn. It also has a nice feel to it, it is slightly fuzzy and soft but also it has that nice look of chunky fabric yarn. The colors of the yarn are very bright and hard to miss, it may seem like too much but I want it to in your face so you can feel how fashion affects the world, the good and the bad, the expressive and the desolating. This project for me has been much of an experiment of planning, when I knit, I knit to knit. This made me plan what I want to do, how many stitches, how big, etc. I hope that this project is fun to look at and cool to touch! Enjoy!