
I enjoy making art because it helps me relax. It’s important to me because I can be productive, create something that takes focus and energy.  I’ve been knitting on and off since my aunt taught me a couple years ago; it’s easy and fun, something that anyone could do. Since then, I’ve branched out and learned other stitches and patterns, and knitted a couple things for my family members. In the process of making this project, I learned to try something new while improving techniques I already knew. It took a lot of trial and error, especially at the beginning, but practice really helped me ameliorate what I knew about knitting.

I was inspired by previous projects I’d done before, and I also took ideas off of the internet. Google and Pinterest really helped me find ideas for the pattern and yarn I wanted to use. There wasn’t a deep meaning for my art project, I just wanted to do something I enjoyed while being able to talk to my friends. When we started our projects, I realized I had ordered the wrong type of yarn because it was too thick. I’m using a lace pattern, which is full of holes for the lace-effect, but because it’s so fuzzy and thick, it’s a little harder to see the pattern. So, I decided to block it, which helped define the holes a little better. I learned a lot of new stitches over the course of my project, as well as how to attach tassels to the ends.

Lace Scarf
