
I enjoy creating art because I can take what I see around me and concentrate it into a piece. When working on my art, I find it’s helpful not to be confined to a plan. If something isn’t working how I want it to, rather than feeling like I have to stick to something like a materials list or schedule, I’ll adjust those things to fit the state of my project. I feel like I grew my ability to do that during this unit. Throughout this project, I felt really frustrated when things went wrong in the moment but in hindsight, they were a blessing in disguise because they led me to a better result. I believe that while it’s important to plan a project, one of the most important parts of art is to be able to express yourself freely and without obstruction.

This piece was inspired by the illumination intensive I did in 6th grade. One of the reasons I loved making this so much was because I got to work with both digital art when designing it and physical art when I was putting it together. It made it a lot more fun to incorporate more medium’s and using a new online platform added to that fun. I changed the idea from a cube to a layered box. Though it doesn’t have a direct meaning, I made some design choices that gave the art a more interesting perspective while viewing it. I didn’t cover the sides with wood to make the layers more interesting and interactive. I feel that they make it more three-dimensional. Whether you look at it straight on or from an angle, you as the viewer should feel like you are immersed in the jungle you see in the box. 

Jungle Box, 2024

Stained Wood