
I have always considered myself an artistic person. I like making art because it allows me to express myself in ways I can’t with words it lets me show the world what I'm thinking without saying it out loud. Painting, sculpting, and building are how I make my mark on the world  Art is super important to society, it's in the books we read, the shows we watch, and even on the streets we walk. I mean think about it, if there was no art and no creativity everything would look incredibly dull. 

I really like spooky and creepy stuff especially when it comes to art. I think it's kind of fun to see if you can scare yourself with your own art. I also think that the surrealist art style is absolutely fascinating. I thought that combining the two would be an interesting experiment especially since there are so many amazing artists out there who have managed to capture something similar for example Dorothea Tanning who I have always been inspired by. since for my art project I wanted to go for something more morbid I thought that I could do something with dolls because I've had an intense fear of them since I was eight years old, ever since my friend told me this scary story about a doll who cut off the thumbs of every person she killed. So if I combined one of my worst nightmares with something I love I could make something really cool. The most difficult part of this project was making the fake stump, first I had to hot glue together a base out of cardboard, then cover most of it in air-dry clay, then I just had to paint it and add the details (which took me weeks) but it was all worth it in the end.