
I really like art because I can use it for creating whatever I want. Even if I don’t have the technical skill to execute the art completely perfectly, I still am proud of my art because I put the time and effort into completing it. I think art is important to society because it lets people create their ideas and opinions into something that is universally understood. Not everyone around the world can read words and understand it, but everyone can touch, experience, or look at art, and feel the meaning behind it. Even for many years into the future, people can look back at art and understand what the artist was trying to portray, or even find out their own meaning behind it. Art can be interpreted in a variety of different ways, which can leave the viewer creating their own meaning for the art. 

My art piece is inspired by my 2 cats, Pablo and Rosa. My cats are lazy and probably overfed, and in this project I wanted to express how much I love my cats, even if they don’t love me back. For this piece I sewed together pieces of felt in the colors of my cats, and did a little bit of painting for the eyeballs. While I was in the process of sewing, there were some sewing mishaps that I had to overcome. My sewing would come undone, or I would stuff them too much and they wouldn’t be able to stand up.  I am very proud of myself that I was able to overcome these challenges, come up with solutions to fix them, and create a final project that I love. I hope that you will think my cats are cute and funny, and that you appreciate how much time I put into them.