
This project made me learn many new things. In this project, I learned not only new techniques but also how to be patient and how to grow. Starting this project I had never crocheted anything. So when I started I slightly overestimated my abilities and planned to do a more difficult project. But when I started, I realized I would have to make some changes. I still learned while feeling like I could finish, and fully complete my project to my best abilities. I think that when I had to restart, it was stressful but also very important for me so that I could grow.  Sometimes, art can be frustrating, and in the beginning, it was frustrating. But once I felt like I got into a flow, it started to become more relaxing. Something that also really helped me get better over time and in general is the repetitiveness of this project. Because I am just essentially making the same thing over and over again it helped me work on my technique and my speed. This project helped me grow my patience, my crocheting skills, and my attention to detail. 

I had many inspirations while making this piece. In the beginning, I started off by going through the internet to try and find granny squares or other simple crochet pieces that I could use. Then I came across a heart granny square and decided that I thought using that would be a great idea. I went through different ideas of how I could use them and I ended up settling on a pillow. I wanted people to feel comforted when looking at my piece and think that it’s cute. For me, it was important that this art project be light and fun since in the past I’ve done things with deeper meanings.

Heart Pillows , 2024     

Crochet yarn