
I’ve been drawing regularly since 5th or 6th grade and have grown a lot in defining my art style. Looking back on the work I made when I first started drawing, I can confidently say that I have improved a LOT. I went from tracing and copying things that, I'll be honest, still turned out looking “a bit funky” to playing with composition and using real-life examples in my art. I've experimented with many different styles of line art, color palettes, and shading for three years now--and to be honest, I'm still developing my art style. I enjoy art because of that--you are free to change, and you have the freedom to play with different variables to express your ideas in the best way possible.

I have been making different characters and stories in my head for a while now and have finally decided to bring them to life. This series of artwork is also a part of my language arts class story, all centered around a network of dozens of characters and hundreds of moments I've put together into a narrative. I have included three early sketches of my first characters, a sample of my first draft of Advanced Placement, and a printed version of the storefront where one of my characters works. Most of my character designs are just faces with no name or background, but I finally got some personalities down for these three, at least. They each have a unique background with complementary personalities and details down to the cadence of their speech, tells, and their peeves. I’ve also put a lot of work into how their lives intertwine, even when their lives are incredibly different.

Works in exhibition:

First Impression Character Sketches, 2024

Pencil, watercolor

Advanced Placement, 2024

Written work

“Your Favorite and Most Generic Convenience Store,” 2024

Digital (printed)