Lesson 3

What Makes Something a Computer?

In this unplugged lesson, students will first explore hardware that controls input and output on a computer. Then, students will learn about software and troubleshooting as they finish reading Journey Inside the Computer. Lastly, students will complete their paper computer by adding a keyboard and software.


  1. Ask: "What are the 5 hardware components we found inside the computer? What did they each contribute to how the computer runs?"
  2. Activity: Input or Output?
  3. Read: Journey Inside the Computer Ch. 6-7 (pgs. 34-43)
  4. Activity: Hardware or Software?
  5. Activity: Complete your Paper Computer! (Part 2 of 2)
  6. Reflection & Close-Out:
    • What new things did Ruby discover inside the computer?
    • How did Ruby finally solve her big problem? Have you ever solved a really big problem like Ruby?
    • What part of the computer you created today are you most proud of?



computer science: a field in which people use the power of computers to solve big problems

Additional Resources


CA CSS: K-2.CS.2 Explain the functions of common hardware and software components of computing systems.