Lesson 19

Math + Scratch Jr. = Win

Building on last lesson's work, students program a second game that reinforces counting and cardinality! Students use the stamp tool in the Sprite Editor to count and clone sprites. They program each sprite to respond one of two ways, depending on if it represents a correct or incorrect answer.


    • Warm-up: Review the concept of more and fewer using physical objects. Demo using the stamp tool in the Sprite Editor to represent the physical objects. (10 minutes)
    • Main Activity: Students program their own "Which group has more?" or "Which group has fewer?" game. (15 minutes)
    • Debrief: Student project showcase and/or gallery walk in Presentation Mode. (10 minutes)


  • Tablets: 1-2 per pair of students
  • Physical items to photograph and import as sprites (optional)


  • blocks - a visual unit of code
  • initialize - to set a computer program to a starting position, value, or configuration
  • sprite - a virtual object, animal, or person that a programmer controls with code

Additional Resources


  • CA CSS K-2. DA. 7 - Store, copy, search, retrieve, modify, and delete information using a computing device, and define the information stored as data.
  • CA CSS K-2. AP. 14 - Develop plans that describe a program’s sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes.
  • CA CSS K-2. AP. 15 - Give attribution when using the ideas and creations of others while developing programs.
  • CA CSS K-2. AP. 16 - Debug errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.
  • CA CSS K-2. AP. 17 - Describe the steps taken and choices made during the iterative process of program development.