Red: Distance Learning Lessons

SFUSD Computer Science Team-Created Lessons

We have the power to create experiences for children that are humanizing, creative, expressive, and interactive. Let's disrupt harmful stereotypes of who belongs in computer science together.

Unit 1: Knowledge and Love of Self

Lesson 1: The Computer Science Chant by Michelle G. Lee

(Read first: Lesson overview)

(Seesaw lesson)

(Google Slides lesson)

Lesson 2: Interested In/ Good At (pt. 1) by Michelle G. Lee

(Read first: Lesson overview)

(Seesaw lesson)

(Google Slides lesson)

Lesson 3: Interested In/Good at (pt. 2) by Michelle G. Lee

(Read first: Lesson overview)

(Seesaw lesson)

(Google Slides lesson)

Lesson 4: I Already Do Computer Science Things by Michelle G. Lee

Coming soon!

SFUSD Educator-Created Lessons

We are so thankful for the brilliance and creativity of our SFUSD Elementary Computer Science educators! Please find their student-tested distance learning work below and please provide attribution if you remix. Thank you!

Unit 1: Unplugged

Lesson 1: What is a Computer? (Nearpod) by Karen Claxton

Lesson 2: That Could Be a Computer! (Nearpod) by Karen Claxton

Lesson 3: Secret Handshake Sequencing (Seesaw) by Karen Claxton

Lesson 4: Thinking With Patterns (Seesaw) by Karen Claxton

Lesson 5: Break it Down! (Seesaw) by Karen Claxton

Lesson 6: Nevertheless, They Persevered (Seesaw) by Karen Claxton

Unit 2: Blue-Bots / Bee-Bots

Lesson 7: How Does a Bee-Bot Work? (Seesaw) by Karen Claxton

Lesson 8: The Very Hungry Bee-Bot (Seesaw) by Karen Claxton

Lesson 9: Let's Help Debug! (Seesaw) by Karen Claxton

Developing Class Culture / Beginning of the Year