Lesson 3

Ruby's Big Events

In this unplugged lesson, students will be introduced to the computer science concept of events as Ruby continues her journey to find the five gems. Students will then participate in an engaging, hands-on unplugged activity to further explore events.


  1. Ask: What do you remember about Ruby and her adventure from the last class?
  2. Read: Hello Ruby Ch. 6-7 (p. 38-51)
  3. Activity: The All-Commanding Button
  4. Activity: Universal Remote Control
  5. Reflection & Close-Out:
    • What things did Ruby's friends do that are things computer scientists also do?
    • What did you cause to happen using events (buttons on the remote) today?


  • Hello Ruby book or PDF (SFUSD log-in required)
  • projector, connected to a computer
  • Universal Remote Control handout
  • crayons, markers, and/or colored pencils


algorithm: steps to complete a task

computer science: using the power of computers to solve problems and express ourselves

event: an action that causes something to happen

Additional Resources


CA CSS: K-2.AP.10 Model daily processes by creating and following algorithms to complete tasks.

CA CSS: K-2.AP.12 Create programs with sequences of commands and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.