Lesson 13

Dance Party

Students will be introduced to, or review, the ScratchJr programming environment. They will explore two categories of blocks - motion (blue) and looks (purple) - which they will sequence to create a fun dance party with 1 or more characters in ScratchJr.


  1. Ask: What rules and procedures did we use with Bee-Bots? Which rules and procedures should we now use with tablets and ScratchJr?
  2. Unplugged Mini-Lesson: Program the Teacher (optional)
  3. ScratchJr Mini-Lesson: using motion (blue) and looks (purple) blocks
  4. Independent Work Time: Dance Party!
  5. Reflection & Close-Out:
    • What is one success you had while programming in ScratchJr today?
    • What were you able to make your cat (or other character) do today?


  • Tablets: 1-2 per pair of students


  • program: a set of instructions written in a language that a computer understands
  • sequence: a set of instructions that follow one another in order

Additional Resources


  • CA CSS: K-2.CS.1 Select and operate computing devices that perform a variety of tasks accurately and quickly based on user needs and preferences.
  • CA CSS: K-2.CS.2 Explain the functions of common hardware and software components of computing systems.
  • CA CSS: K-2.AP.12 Create programs with sequences of commands and simple loops to express ideas or address a problem.