Lesson 20

Animation Project: Part 2

The animation project is the culminating activity for the curriculum and will require two sessions of about an hour. Students will create a ScratchJr project to animate a story that students have read in class or one that students imagine themselves. This project requires students to apply all of the knowledge and skills they have learned throughout the course.

On the first project day, students will learn about the elements of a story. They will then spend the remainder of the lesson designing their own stories. On the second project day and last lesson of the curriculum, students will spend the entire lesson creating and then sharing their stories with the class. (Full lesson plan coming soon!)


  1. Video: How to Make an Animation (5 minutes)
  2. Animation Project: Part 2 (40-50 minutes)
  3. Reflection & Close-Out (5 minutes):
    • What are you most proud of in your animation project?



  • decompose: break a problem down into smaller pieces
  • debugging: finding and fixing errors ("bugs") in programs
  • persistence: trying again and again, even when something is very hard
  • program: an algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine.

Additional Resources


  • CSTA 1A-CS-01: Select and operate appropriate software to perform a variety of tasks, and recognize that users have different needs and preferences for the technology they use.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-10: Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-11: Decompose the steps needed to solve a problem into a precise sequence of instructions.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-12: Develop plans that describe a program's sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-14: Debug errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.