Lesson 17

Build a Snowman

In this optional lesson, students will learn how to use the paint editor in the ScratchJr app to draw a snowman. They can transform this project into an animation by then programming their snowman to speak, move, and/or interact with other characters. (Full lesson plan coming soon!)


  1. Video: The Magic of Mistakes (5 minutes)
  2. Build a Snowman (20 minutes)
  3. Animate Your Snowman (20-30 minutes)
  4. Reflection & Close-Out (5 minutes)



  • decompose: break a problem down into smaller pieces
  • debugging: finding and fixing errors ("bugs") in programs
  • program: an algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine.


  • CSTA 1A-A-3-5: Decompose, or break down, a larger problem into smaller sub-problems with teacher guidance or independently.
  • CSTA 1A-C-7-9: Identify and use software that controls computational devices. (e.g., use an app to draw on the screen, use software to write a story, control robots, etc.).
  • CSTA 1A-D-4-14: Create a model of an object or process in order to identify patterns and essential elements. (e.g., water cycle, butterfly life cycle, seasonal weather patterns, etc.).