Time Capsules

The subject of my creation is still lives. The art is made by pencil. Specific elements and principles I used was shape, texture and space. These were composed by making little strokes with the pencil to make the rough draft before going over it a final time for the final draft.

Some composition rules and techniques I used was informal balance, formal balance and sharp focus. Informal balance is used in the corner of the room piece. The formal balance is used in the vase and the hand holding the pen. The sharp focus is used in the self portrait of me. My project evolved by little pencil strokes into bold pencil lines.

The story behind the art is I see these three things on a daily basis. The pieces of art relate to my life because they are of me or items in my room that have some memory behind. I believe that I could go back and fix the vase and the self portrait. I would make the vase more dimensional and make the self portrait more detailed when it came to my freckles and eyelashes. I added my own original style by picking out the items.