2D Design

In this class, I have enjoyed the freedom of materials we can use. I have had quite a lot more fun and expression than foundations because of free the class is. You can see in the above images that I have improved throughout the year. I feel you can tell from how my use of material has changed. I did this to find my ideal medium. In the beginning of the year, I was experimenting with watercolor and I wasn't too strong with this use of the medium because i had never used it before. I used this in the last project, the duck stamp project, because I felt that I had improved with it.

The most challenging thing I had to overcome was figuring out what medium to use when we were given a new project. I used a range of different materials and I couldn't figure out which one to use once i had use all. For example I used acrylics, watercolor, colored pencil and pen. I overcame this by finding my strengths in my pieces. I feel my strongest piece would have to be my inclusion project because I felt that I demonstrated that I can be unique and be detailed as well. I was also able to demonstrate that I chose a material that showed my abilities with art. I am proud of it because I feel I put the most work into it and it came out how I envisioned it. I like how broad the topic was and that I was able to express how I felt towards the topic.

I feel that my work can demonstrate that I have strengths and weaknesses because how some work came out better than others. For example, my donate life piece was a weakness for me because i had too much negative space and didn't know what to do with it. In my duck stamp and stars and stripes projects, I was able to figure out what to do with my negative space. I feel throughout my work I showed that I learned my strengths and when and how to apply them to my work.