Word Graphic

In this project we were given a word and had to incorporate a picture of the word into the word itself. I was given the word bumblebee and I decided I wanted to take out the first e and replace it with an actual bumblebee. I was inspired to do this because Ms. Medsker had said that you can replace any vowel and most likely the reader can still understand the meaning of the word. To make this project, I used a pencil to make my sketches of the bubble letters then decided I wanted more to this piece than just the bubble letters so I added a beehive and honeycomb in the corners of the paper. I later went over with Sharpie to give it the contrast I wanted. If I could change one thing it would be to add color, even though I know most designers wouldn't because it would cost too much money. i also would change my e letters because I wasn't satisfied with the way they came out.