Beautiful Oops

For this project we were given a piece of paper with ink drops on them. We are supposed to use our imagination and creativity run wild and draw/create whatever you see within these ink drops. My creation didn't come to mind very quickly—this one was a thinker, but once I had rotated the page I saw an alien. I knew I would do a space background and try to use all of my negative space. Once I had colored my martian and planets I had to make my background. I wanted to use watered down ink as my black spacey color. I remembered the paper the ink came on wasn't watercolor paper so I had to cut out my martian and planets then glue them onto the new watercolor paper. I didn't want the background to distract the viewer so I went for a more settle approach with the darkness of the background. I also tried to make my planets resemble ours a little and make them pop as well. I personally think that my work is pretty good. I do like it but I definitly feel as if it isn't my best work. I feel if I had put more time into it it could've easily looked more presentable—in my opinion. I used color pencil, ink, paint and sharpie.