Teapot Project

For this project we had to make a teapot. The only requirements of this project was: the teapot had to have a handle and a spout. Also we have to make teacups as well and they had to go along with our theme and had to have handles too. For this project, I chose to make a whale themed teapot and makes the cups the same color glaze. To make the teapot, I had to use the coil technique, which required me to make a base then make coils to wrap around. Once I had a couple of inches of coils, I would smooth the inside and outside of the teapot. Once I got to a whale shape, I made the tail and early on in my process I knew how I wanted the tail to look and that was by making the tail have a duel purpose. I wanted the tail to be the handle to be used to make the whale look like a whale. Once I had my tail I only had to make my spout and to make my spout I coiled around a little hole I had made in the front of the teapot—where the mouth would be. After I had completed my teapot I made my teacups. I used the slab technique and glazed it the same as the teapot. If I could go back and change one thing I would incorporate a handle in both of my teacups. But overall I am pretty proud of how the project turned out.