Find Your Voice

For this project we were to pick a social or political view that we feel strongly about or have an interest in. I chose to do water pollution because I feel strongly about this topic and I had an amazing idea on what I wanted to do. I decided that I wanted to include the most common types of plastic and trash that is found in the ocean and I wanted to include an ocean animal that can be effected by our pollution. I chose a whale and I liked the idea of the trash coming out of his blow hole. I took Blick paper and made my border, decided how I wanted the whale to look and I went with a cartoonish look as well as the trash. I outlined all of the items and chose my watercolors. I tried to make the trash as bold as possible to make it the main focus. I wanted a little bit more in my background so I added some fish in more bold colors. If I could go back and change one thing, it would be the grin on the whales face. I don't think it belongs since his environment is being destroyed and invaded with plastic—instead I would want a bold frowning face.