Designs and Space

The topic of the artwork is negative space. The materials I used was colored pencil, sharpie and pencil. Elements I used were shape, color and texture. Shape is found in the value strip, mostly. Color is found throughout all the pieces, and I attempted texture in the leaves. Principles I used was contrast and pattern. Contrast is found in the leaf piece; I used fall colors and without trying they make each other pop. Pattern is found in the value strip.

Some techniques I showed in my artwork is framing and soft focus. The soft focus is in the color, and the framing is around the artwork and the leaves. I changed many things in my art pieces. I revised my vaule stripe and I had to draw and erase many leaves in the piece above also I had to draw and erase the leaves in the elephant piece.

The meaning behind these art pieces is learning about negative space. These pieces relate to my life because I love animals and fall. If I could go back and do something again I would change the value strip. I believe that it could be stronger by making the darker square darker because I believe that it isn't correct and that it isn't right.