Extended Blind

This is a drawing of a flip flop on a boardwalk. I made this by doing a blind contour activity in class using sharpie. We first drew out our right hand using our left hand then drew our left hand using our right hand we also used our right hand and drew out our face then vis versa, we did this without looking. The materials I used was colored pencils and sharpie. I chose to draw a flip flop because when I was looking over the scribbles and random shapes I noticed the outline of a flip flop in the making. I had to draw the straps of the flip flop but that was the only alteration I had to make to the scribbles.

Some techniques I used was balance, contrast and color. The flip flop is the main focus of the drawing so I tried to make it pop, but I made it pop too much and the objects off to the side don't show as much as I wish they did. Another technique I used was contrast in colors, the contrast in blues and oranges next to each other also the reds and greens. The last technique I used was balance, the balance is found in the objects off to the side. I believe that they aren't truly balanced and if I could go back I would fix that. The seaweed is too much and aren't enough seashells. I revised many times for example I had to add the objects around the flip flop because it was too bland without them I added seashells then seaweed and so on.

A flip flop on the boardwalk. This relates to my life because I love the summer and the beach. Also I have a relative that loves flip flops and she is someone I love spending time no matter the season. I said this above also but i would go back and add more to the surroundings of the flip flops and take away some of the seaweed.