Animal Stulpture

The title of my artwork is Jellyfish. I created a sculpture of a Jellyfish. I used the following mediums to create my work paint pallets, yarn, packing peanuts, newspaper, tape and hot glue. Some of the art-making techniques I used are: cutting and gluing. I used the following elements of art in my artwork: texture, space and color. To add interest to my composition, I used these principles of design: contrast and movement. This artwork is about all sea animals that have horrible habitats and are living in a sea of plastic. I tried every hard to stay away from plastic, but as you can see I used packing peanuts. I liked that this unit was about reusing things that I found around my home or the classroom. By creating this project I learned how to make an armature and how to make a sculpture. In future pieces I may try planning out my project more to improve upon my work. I added my own original style by adding string as the tentacles.