CTL Weekly Events, Updates, and Resources 

The Center for Teaching and Learning sends a weekly email to all faculty and academic chairs sharing the events for the week, important updates, and highlighting a faculty resource. We'll provide the most recent communications below. Please reach out to askctl@purdueglobal.edu with any questions about this communication. 

July 2, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, July 2 at 12:00 pm ET

SoTL Faculty Learning Community

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning FLC will foster a culture of evidence-based teaching practices, faculty engagement in educational research, and dissemination of impactful findings, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of teaching and learning at the institution. Participants will explore SoTL projects, identify research opportunities, examine relevant literature, participate in research, review the IRB proposal process, and share project results. The SoTL FLC provides monthly accountability meetings, feedback, and support. 

If you are interested in joining the FLC and receiving meeting invitations and updates, please complete the FLC form. Please email any questions to askctl@purdueglobal.edu.

Earn professional development by viewing the recording from previous events and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Conference Presentation Collaboration Opportunity

Are you seeking an opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the university to collaborate on a proposal for the Purdue Global Village professional development conference in  November 2024? Complete this form to be connected with colleagues from across the university. 

The call for proposals and conference information is available on the conference site. We invite all faculty, students, staff, and administrators to submit proposals. The proposal submission deadline is August 9, 2024, by 11:59 pm ET. 

Join us live for Presentation Palooza to meet colleagues and share ideas for Purdue Global Village presentations on Tuesday, July 23, at 11:30 am ET. During the event, attendees can learn more about the professional development conference and brainstorm presentation proposal ideas. 

| Resources

Purdue Global Village Call for Proposals Guide

Interested in submitting a proposal to present at PGV 2024? Check out the Call for Proposals Guide available on the conference site. The guide provides information about commonly asked questions, a CFP walkthrough and checklist, and examples of successful abstracts from previous years. Please reach out to pgvillage@purdueglobal.edu with any questions. 

June 2024

June 25, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, June 25 and Wednesday, June 26

Virtual Literary Festival

Register to attend and visit the Literary Festival event for more information.

Thursday, June 27, at 10:30 am ET

Efficient and Effective Feedback Delivery: An Introduction to Annotation Tools

The Annotation Feedback Tool in Brightspace provides unique features to enhance grading and feedback. Learn how to use the Annotation Feedback Tool, along with best practices for providing feedback on student submissions.

Thursday, June 27, at 1:00 pm ET

Great Emerging Methods (GEMs) Faculty Learning Community

The GEMs FLC shares techniques, methods, activities, and best practices that are effective in the classroom. Great Emerging Methods can include facilitation strategies, creative ways to spark engagement, tips for improving efficiency in teaching tasks, and more. The GEMs FLC meets monthly and is open to all faculty and staff. If you are interested in joining the FLC and receiving meeting invitations and updates, please complete the FLC form. Please email any questions to askctl@purdueglobal.edu

Earn professional development by viewing the recording from previous events and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

June 2024 Brightspace Updates

The following update to the Purdue Global instance of the Brightspace LMS will occur on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

Learn more about this update. Please reach out to askctl@purdueglobal.edu with any questions.

Student Referral Form Update

Faculty can now find quick access to the interdepartmental referral form for student success coaching and other non-academic student needs. Under the Help Menu in all Brightspace courses, the “Student Escalation Referral” item links to the form as pictured below. 

If a Faculty member senses that a student is at risk of harm to themselves or others and believes some immediate intervention is appropriate, they should use the PG Interdepartmental Referral Form.

More information about student referrals is available on the CTL site

| Resources

2024 Purdue Global Village Collaboration Opportunity

Are you seeking an opportunity to connect with colleagues from across the university to collaborate on a proposal at Purdue Global Village, November 4–8, 2024? Complete this form to be connected with colleagues from across the university. 

The call for proposals and conference information is available on the conference site. We invite all faculty, students, staff, and administrators to submit proposals

Join us live for Presentation Palooza to meet colleagues and share ideas for Purdue Global Village presentations on Tuesday, July 23, at 11:30 am ET. During the event, attendees can learn more about the professional development conference and brainstorm presentation proposal ideas.

The proposal submission deadline is August 9, 2024, by 11:59 pm ET. Contact pgvillage@purdueglobal.edu with questions. 

June 18, 2024

| Events

Thursday, June 20, at 10:30 am ET

Proposal Palooza: Encouraging Ideas for Purdue Global Village Conference Proposals

Join this session to meet colleagues and share ideas for Purdue Global Village presentations. During the event, attendees can learn more about the professional development conference and brainstorm presentation proposal ideas.  

Friday, June 21, at 1:00 pm ET

Google Workspace for Virtual Collaboration

Virtual collaboration can be challenging. In this session, we will explore ways to streamline collaborative efforts through the use of Google Workspace tools.

Recent Event Recordings: 

Earn professional development by viewing the recording from previous events and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Purdue Global Village Call for Proposals

The Purdue University Global Center for Teaching and Learning is proud to present our 17th annual professional development event: Purdue Global Village, November 4–8, 2024. 

This year’s conference theme, as voted by the university, is Lifelong Learning: Inspiring a Culture of Inclusion, Wonder, and Relentless CuriosityDr. Ingrid Bradley, a faculty member from the School of Multidisciplinary and Professional Studies, submitted the theme.

Purdue Global Village is a virtual higher education conference designed and delivered by the Center for Teaching and Learning for faculty, administrators, staff, and students. The conference’s mission is to provide a forum for collaborative professional development to enhance student learning in a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment. 

The conference tracks include:

The call for proposals and conference information is available on the Purdue Global Village website. We invite all faculty, students, staff, and administrators to submit proposals

Join us for Presentation Palooza to meet colleagues and share ideas for Purdue Global Village presentations on Thursday, June 20, at 10:30 am ET or Tuesday, July 23, at 11:30 am ET. During the event, attendees can learn more about the professional development conference and brainstorm presentation proposal ideas.

The proposal submission deadline is August 9, 2024, by 11:59 pm ET. Contact pgvillage@purdueglobal.edu with questions.

| Resources

Sharing Music in Seminar 

Faculty may play music at the start of a seminar as students enter the meeting room. We recommend sharing royalty-free music. Royalty-free music resources:

The CTL has curated a few tracks from the Pixabay selections that are available for faculty and staff to use. 

June 11, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, June 11, at 11:00 am ET

AI Guidance for Faculty

Join this session to discuss best practices and guidance around student use of AI tools. 

Tuesday, June 11, at 3:30 pm ET

Research Faculty Learning Community

The Research FLC will guide participants through the research process. Presentations will encourage faculty research, publication, and presentation. Participants will explore the research process, identify opportunities, review the IRB proposal process, and share research interests and projects. The Research FLC provides monthly accountability meetings, feedback, and support. Experience in research, publication, and presentation is not required. All faculty and staff are welcome to attend and participate. If you are interested in joining the FLC and receiving meeting invitations and updates, please complete the FLC form. Please email any questions to askctl@purdueglobal.edu.

Wednesday, June 12, at 3:00 pm ET

Creative Salon Faculty Learning Community

The Creative Salon explores the impact of creativity on education, diversity, and culture in the online classroom. Presentations will share creative art forms, the theory behind them, and how faculty may use them in the classroom. The Creative Salon FLC meets monthly and is open to all faculty and staff. If you are interested in joining the FLC and receiving meeting invitations and updates, please complete the FLC form. Please email any questions to askctl@purdueglobal.edu. 

Thursday, June 13, at 2:00 pm ET

The Great Breakout Room Adventure: Exploring Breakout Rooms In Zoom

Join this interactive session about using breakout rooms in Zoom for course seminars at Purdue Global.

Recent Event Recordings: 

Earn professional development by viewing the recording from previous events and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Reminder: Mandatory Alternative Assignment for Canceled/Holiday Seminars

As a reminder, faculty must assign an alternative activity for any canceled seminar, including seminars not held due to a university-recognized holiday. 

Faculty must not grant points to a student for an assignment or seminar that was canceled or otherwise not completed by the student. Awarding unearned points can result in students receiving a failing grade when they should have been withdrawn from the course. 

If a seminar is canceled, faculty must post instructions on completing an alternative assignment in the classroom announcements and email the information to students. Students should be directed to ask their instructor questions about the alternative assignment.

Upcoming university-recognized holidays include: 

View the complete holiday schedule for additional dates. Faculty with questions about alternative assignments should reach out to their academic chair. 

| Resources

Sharing Music in Seminar 

Faculty may play music at the start of a seminar as students enter the meeting room. We recommend sharing royalty-free music. Royalty-free music resources:

The CTL has curated a few tracks from the Pixabay selections that are available for faculty and staff to use. 

June 4, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, June 4, at 12:00 pm ET

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Faculty Learning Community

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning FLC will foster a culture of evidence-based teaching practices, faculty engagement in educational research, and dissemination of impactful findings, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of teaching and learning at the institution. Participants will explore SoTL projects, identify research opportunities, examine relevant literature, participate in research, review the IRB proposal process, and share project results. The SoTL FLC provides monthly accountability meetings, feedback, and support.  If you are interested in joining the FLC and receiving meeting invitations and updates, please complete the FLC form

Wednesday, June 5, at 2:30 pm ET

Setting the Stage: Amplifying Student Engagement in Seminar

Limited time in the synchronous weekly seminar can create information-sharing and engagement challenges. Using a few minutes for a fun and engaging activity related to the course content for the week can improve student participation and help them connect with the material in meaningful ways. Join this session to experience sample activities and strategies for starting seminar sessions with a dynamic opening act.

Thursday, June 6, at 1:00 pm ET

TechEd Innovators Faculty Learning Community

The TechEd Innovators FLC explores the use of various technologies, applications, and tools to enhance the student experience, focusing on engagement, accessibility, content sharing, and retention. Participants will meet monthly to share information and discuss opportunities to explore the use of a wide variety of tools in the online classroom. The TechEd Innovators FLC meets monthly and is open to all faculty and staff. If you are interested in joining the FLC and receiving meeting invitations and updates, please complete the FLC form

Recent Event Recordings: 

Earn professional development by viewing the recording from previous events and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Professional Development Reporting for the 2023-2024 Academic Year Due June 30

Faculty development is essential to the mission of the University and to the faculty for maintaining current knowledge in their field. Faculty professional development is defined as tools, resources, and training that help faculty further their knowledge in their subject area, develop and expand teaching techniques, and enhance skills to better meet the needs of students. 

Faculty responsibilities include completing and reporting at least 8 hours of formal/active professional development each academic year.

The CTL reports participation in live events and live events recording views from the completed reflection forms. Please be sure to complete the reflection form to ensure accurate reporting. The CTL also reports the completion of our asynchronous workshops from the corresponding assessment or reflection form. 

LinkedIn Learning course completions are reported by the APL Team monthly. Please do not self-report these activities, as it will result in duplication. 

Some faculty may have additional requirements in the areas of service and scholarship. Please check with your academic chair regarding these activities. Service and scholarship are reported separately and do not count toward the annual professional development requirement. 

Employee compliance training such as FERPA, TitleIX, and Online Information Security do not count towards professional development hours. These are reported and tracked in a separate area of APL. Please do not include these activities in your PD reporting.

Learn more about professional development reporting.

| Resources

Internal Professional Development Opportunities

As you are working to meet your annual professional development requirement, please consider engaging with the following internal opportunities.

The CTL and APL teams document participation in these activities for faculty in APL. Please follow the specific instructions for completing each activity to ensure accurate reporting. Direct any questions to askctl@purdueglobal.edu

May 2024

May 28, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, May 28 at 11:30 am ET

Higher Ed Journal Roundtable - The First 15 Seconds: How to Hook Your Online Students and Keep Them Engaged 

Join the CTL for this Higher Ed Journal Roundtable discussion. This session will focus on the article The First 15 Seconds: How to Hook Your Online Students and Keep Them Engaged from the Faculty Focus online journal. We’ll discuss the 5P approach the author shares and discuss other opportunities for creating a positive and engaging environment.

Thursday, May 30 at 12:00 pm ET

Customize Your Brightspace Course

This training session will provide an overview of the instructor's create and edit permissions in Brightspace. The permissions provide faculty the ability to customize content modules/items and discussion forums/topics. The permissions are a part of the Classroom of the Future Purdue Global Move. The change will empower faculty with new ways to support student success in their Brightspace classrooms. Students will benefit from the added perspective of faculty expertise shared within unique content items and discussion topics in their classes.

Recent Event Recordings: 

Earn professional development by viewing the recording from previous events and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Vote for the 2024 Purdue Global Village Conference Theme

Preparations for the 2024 Purdue Global Village professional development conference are underway, and we need your help with this year's conference theme. Please vote on the theme by Wednesday, June 5.

Key considerations include the conference mission and current trends in online teaching and learning. The theme should be brief and encompass a vision that will guide the content for presentation proposals at the conference. More information about the conference is available on the website.

Vote for your favorite theme by Wednesday, June 5, at 11:59 pm ET.

Voting is open to all PG employees. The winning theme will be announced with the conference call for proposals on June 17. If you have questions, please email pgvillage@purdueglobal.edu.

Turnitin Similarity Report Update Coming Soon

On June 3, 2024, the default view for Purdue Global’s instance of the Turnitin similarity report will be updated. The new similarity report has been redesigned with a new intuitive interface and match categorization panel, making it easier to interpret and use as a formative assessment tool to strengthen academic writing skills. More information about the update is available on the Turnitin resource site. Faculty and staff can view a sample of the new similarity report and interact with a click-through demonstration of the report

| Resources

New Faculty Learning Communities (FLC) Start Soon

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) 

The SoTL FLC will foster a culture of evidence-based teaching practices, faculty engagement in educational research, and dissemination of impactful findings, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of teaching and learning at the institution. Participants will explore SoTL projects, identify research opportunities, examine relevant literature, participate in research, review the IRB proposal process, and share project results. The SoTL FLC provides monthly accountability meetings, feedback, and support. The SoTL FLC meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 12:00 pm ET beginning on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

TechEd Innovators

The TechEd Innovators FLC explores the use of various technologies, applications, and tools* to enhance the student experience, focusing on engagement, accessibility, content sharing, and retention. Participants will meet monthly to share information and discuss opportunities to explore the use of a wide variety of tools in the online classroom. 

The TechEd Innovators FLC meets on the first Thursday of every month at 1:00 pm ET beginning on Thursday, June 6, 2024.

If you are interested in joining a Faculty Learning Community and receiving meeting invitations and updates, please complete the FLC form

*Purdue Global employees must adhere to the policies outlined in the Employee Handbook and the IT Acceptable Use Policy. Please review the university’s Generative AI Statement for information about the use of AI tools. 

May 21, 2024

| Events

Friday, May 24, at 12:00 pm ET

Accessibility: Announcements and Discussion Threads

This session will share accessibility opportunities, challenges, and tools for announcements and discussion boards in the Brightspace LMS.

Recent Event Recordings: 

Earn professional development by viewing the recording from previous events and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

New: Kaltura Auto-Captioning

On Thursday, May 9, 2024, the auto-captioning feature was enabled for the Kaltura video tool available to faculty and students through the Brightspace LMS. 

Videos recorded after May 9 using Kaltura Capture, Express Capture, and uploaded videos will automatically have closed captions generated as part of the video processing. 

Selecting the closed caption button will show the language used to generate the captions and the text (Auto-Generated), indicating that the captions were automatically generated. 

Users will be able to edit auto-generated captions as needed for accuracy. All existing videos that did not have captions before the update will need to request that captions be generated. Please see the Faculty Guide and Student Guide for more information about Kaltura. 

| Resources


The Purdue Global Library provides an excellent service for course reading materials. LibGuides are the opportunity to replace or supplement a traditional course textbook with a combination of links to materials in licensed library databases, permitted file uploads of PDF copies of content to the LMS, and links to appropriate OER (open educational resource) materials, which can be thought of as a digital reading list or electronic coursepack. Learn more about LibGuides

May 14, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, May 14, at 2:00 pm ET

Accessibility: Seminars and Presentation Files

This session will share accessibility opportunities, challenges, and tools for seminar and presentation files.

Wednesday, May 15, at 1:00 pm ET

Streamline Seminar Grading and Student Feedback with Google Forms

Discover how Google Forms can assist with the assessment of student participation and engagement in seminars, streamlining the grading process and providing valuable insights for faculty. Learn strategies for creating forms, collecting data, and reviewing results.

Thursday, May 16, at 3:00 pm ET

Best in Class Basic Needs Badging Program for Faculty and Staff

Discover the framework of 'Best In Class' basic needs support at Purdue Global. This presentation will outline the specific criteria and actions necessary for faculty and staff to earn each of the four badges within the Best in Class Basic Needs badging program, supporting faculty and staff in their efforts to provide unparalleled support to PG students.

Recent Event Recordings: 

Earn professional development by viewing the recording from previous events and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

2024 Literary Festival Call for Proposals: Our Better Nature: Climate Change in Words and Images

Our 2024 Purdue Global Literary Festival theme celebrates the wonders of our fragile environment with the theme, “Our Better Nature: Climate Change in Words and Images.”

The festival is accepting proposals for a limited number of mini literature presentations. These presentations are 20-minute presentations that focus on a work (book, short story, essay, speech, etc.) that embraces this year’s theme.

The conference takes place June 25-26, 2024. Proposals should include a title and an abstract of no more than 150 words that clearly explain the focus and purpose of the presentation. The deadline for the proposal is May 14, 2024. Submit a proposal today

Reminder: Mandatory Alternative Assignment for Canceled Seminars

As a reminder, faculty must assign an alternative activity for any canceled seminar, including seminars not held due to a university-recognized holiday. 

Faculty must not grant points to a student for an assignment or seminar that was canceled or otherwise not completed by the student. Awarding unearned points can result in students receiving a failing grade when they should have been withdrawn from the course. 

If a seminar is canceled, faculty must post instructions on completing an alternative assignment in the classroom announcements and email the information to students. Students should be directed to ask their instructor questions about the alternative assignment.

Upcoming university-recognized holidays include: 

View the complete holiday schedule for additional dates. Faculty with questions about alternative assignments should reach out to their academic chair. 

| Resources

New Faculty Learning Communities

Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) through the Center for Teaching and Learning are dynamic groups designed to foster collaborative growth and innovation among educators. Our mission revolves around creating a supportive environment where faculty members engage in meaningful dialogue, share best practices, and explore cutting-edge andrological approaches in online education. With a vision centered on continuous improvement and student success, FLCs aim to empower faculty to excel in their teaching endeavors, leverage emerging technologies effectively, and ultimately enhance the online learning experience for all students. Through these communities, we aspire to cultivate a culture of excellence, creativity, and collaboration that inspires positive change. 

Current FLCs include the Creative Salon, Great Emerging Methods (GEMs), Research, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), and TechEd Innovators. Learn more about each community.

If you are interested in joining a FLC and receiving meeting invitations and updates, please complete the FLC form. Please email any questions to askctl@purdueglobal.edu

May 7, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, May 7, at 2:00 pm ET

Verse & Vision: Nurturing Creativity in Teaching and Well-being

Verse & Vision is a transformative professional development series inviting faculty and staff to explore the profound impact of creativity on teaching strategies and personal well-being. Each session offers a blend of collaborative workshops and dedicated writing time, empowering participants to harness their inner storytellers while nurturing teaching methods and fostering a balanced, creative life in education.

Thursday, May 9, at 1:30 pm ET

Crafting Engaging Video Course Announcements: A Guide to Utilizing Google Slides

Attendees will learn to leverage Google Slides to craft dynamic video announcements for their online courses, seamlessly integrating text, images, and video. Transform static announcements into captivating multimedia presentations, enhancing the learning experience for students.

Recent Event Recordings: 

Earn professional development by viewing the recording from previous events and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Submit Your Idea for the 2024 Purdue Global Village Conference Theme

Preparations for the 2024 Purdue Global Village (PGV) professional development conference are underway, and we need your help with this year's conference theme. The CTL and PGV Steering Committee invite all PG employees to submit theme ideas for this year's event.

Key considerations include the conference mission and current trends in online teaching and learning. The theme should be brief and encompass a vision to guide the content for presentation proposals at the conference. Review previous conference themes for inspiration. Additional information about the conference, including the mission, is available on the website.

Submit your idea here by Friday, May 17, at 11:59 pm ET.

University-wide voting will occur May 27 – June 5 and is open to all Purdue Global employees. The winning theme will be announced with the PGV call for proposals on June 17. If you have questions, please email pgvillage@purdueglobal.edu.

2024 Literary Festival Call for Proposals: Our Better Nature: Climate Change in Words and Images

Our 2024 Purdue Global Literary Festival theme celebrates the wonders of our fragile environment with the theme, “Our Better Nature: Climate Change in Words and Images.”

The festival is accepting proposals for a limited number of mini literature presentations. These presentations are 20-minute presentations that focus on a work (book, short story, essay, speech, etc.) that embraces this year’s theme.

The conference takes place June 25-26, 2024. Proposals should include a title and an abstract of no more than 150 words that clearly explain the focus and purpose of the presentation. The deadline for the proposal is May 14, 2024. Submit a proposal today

Reminder: Mandatory Alternative Assignment for Canceled Seminars

As a reminder, faculty must assign an alternative activity for any canceled seminar, including seminars not held due to a university-recognized holiday. 

Faculty must not grant points to a student for an assignment or seminar that was canceled or otherwise not completed by the student. Awarding unearned points can result in students receiving a failing grade when they should have been withdrawn from the course. 

If a seminar is canceled, faculty must post instructions on completing an alternative assignment in the classroom announcements and email the information to students. Students should be directed to ask their instructor questions about the alternative assignment.

Upcoming university-recognized holidays include: 

View the  complete holiday schedule for additional dates. Faculty with questions about alternative assignments should reach out to their academic chair. 

| Resources

Get Research Help Around the Clock - Expanded Librarian Availability

The PG Library is excited to announce expanded availability for research and reference assistance to better support your academic needs. The new hours and availability are detailed in the Library News Blog.

Subscribe to the Library News Blog! Scroll down the blog's main page; on the right side, you will find the subscribe option.

April 2024

April 30, 2024

| Events

Wednesday, May 1, at 1:30 pm ET

Enhancing Seminar with Screen Sharing in Zoom: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

Join this interactive session about screen sharing in Zoom for course seminars at Purdue Global.

Thursday, May 2, at 11:00 am ET

Accessibility Overview

In this session, we'll share general accessibility opportunities and challenges, review guidelines and best practices, and take a look at resources and tools available for faculty.

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording from previous events and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning.

Other Events and Recordings

Tuesday, April 30, at 8:00 pm ET

Crafting a Resume that Stands Out

The Purdue Global Society for Human Resource Management Student Association invites students, faculty, and staff to join Terry Brooks, Senior Talent Acquisition Partner with American Express and Purdue Global SHRM Student Chapter President, for a session on tips and best practices for crafting a resume that stands out. Feel free to share the flyer for this event with your students and colleagues.

2024 General Education Conference Recordings

Watch GEC 2024 recordings available on the event site. You must register for the event to gain access to the recordings if you have not already registered. After viewing a recording, complete the CTL Activity Reporting form. You must complete one form for each recording you view. The CTL will document your professional development from the recording view in APL for you after completing the form. Visit the conference website for more information. 

| Updates

April 2024 Brightspace Updates

The following update to the Purdue Global instance of the Brightspace LMS occurred on Thursday, April 25, 2024.

Learn more about this update. Please reach out to askctl@purdueglobal.edu with any questions.

Writing Across the Curriculum Awards Nominations

The Writing Across the Curriculum Advisory Committee invites nominations for student and Purdue Global employee awards. Please use this form to make your nomination(s) for compositions published, presented, or otherwise shared between May 1, 2023, and April 30, 2024. Review the award criteria carefully, and nominate a work for only one award. Winners will be announced during the 2024 PG Literary Festival. More information about the awards is available on the WAC site.

| Resources

Accessing and Using the Writing Center: A Guide and Invitation

The Purdue Global Writing Center resources and services aim to empower students with tools to become successful academic writers, and this guide and invitation allow them to access the tools they need quickly and easily.  

Within this guide and invitation, Purdue Global students will find information on the Writing Center’s various services: live tutoring, paper review,  Q&A, Turnitin, grammar and spelling checker, live and recorded webinars, and popular writing resources. All of the services are just a few clicks away in this user-friendly resource.

Please note the links in this guide are only accessible to the Purdue Global community. Faculty are invited to share this resource with students in course announcements, emails, and more. Please reach out to askasc@purdueglobal.edu with questions. 

April 16, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, April 16 - Thursday, April 18

TCC 2024

The Center for Teaching and Learning is proud to sponsor registrations for the 2024 TCC Online Conference. Registration is available, and all Purdue Global employees are welcome to attend.

Tuesday, April 16 at 2:30 pm ET

Zooming In on Polls: A Guide to Basic Zoom Polling Features

Join this interactive session about using polls in Zoom for course seminars at Purdue Global.

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 

Higher Ed Journal Roundtable: A Positive Environment of Engagement and Retention in the Online Learning Environment / Reflection Form  

Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Zoom Application Updates 

On April 15, 2024, the Zoom desktop app will have an update. The update includes a visual refresh, changes to the in-meeting toolbar, multi-speaker view, and multi-share. Purdue Global Zoom users must update the app before the changes take effect. Learn more about these updates.

2024 Virtual Literary Festival - Save the Date

The English and Rhetoric Department and the School of Multidisciplinary and Professional Studies sponsor the Virtual Literary Festival on June 25 and 26. This year’s theme is Our Better Nature: Climate Change in Words and Images. The event will include inspiring keynote speakers, workshops, readings, and short literature presentations. Check out last year’s event site to learn more and view recordings.

2024 General Education Conference and Earth Day Celebration

Registration for the Purdue Global School of Multidisciplinary and Professional Studies General Education Conference is open. This event will take place from April 23-25, featuring special Earth Day presentations on Monday, April 22. Join colleagues to exchange insights, foster collaboration, and build connections across institutions through stimulating sessions. Visit the conference site for additional details and to register to attend.

| Resources

Faculty Governance Nomination Survey

The 2024 Faculty Governance Nomination Survey is now available. It will be open through Friday, April 19.  If you are interested in serving on a governance committee, please take a moment to nominate yourself. You may also nominate a peer who you feel would represent your school well. Find more information on the Academic Governance Website. Questions can be sent to Jackie Ward at governance@purdueglobal.edu. 

April 9, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, April 16 - Thursday, April 18

TCC 2024

The Center for Teaching and Learning is proud to sponsor registrations for the 2024 TCC Online Conference. Registration is available, and all Purdue Global employees are welcome to attend.

Tuesday, April 16 at 2:30 pm ET

Zooming In on Polls: A Guide to Basic Zoom Polling Features

Join this interactive session about using polls in Zoom for course seminars at Purdue Global.

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 

Higher Ed Journal Roundtable: A Positive Environment of Engagement and Retention in the Online Learning Environment / Reflection Form  

Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Purdue Global at TCC 2024

Check out the following Purdue Global and Purdue Northwest presentations at TCC 2024. Register to attend the conference and support our colleagues! 

Carolyn Stevenson

Risa Blair and Tina Serafini

Mark Mabrito, Purdue University Northwest

Sean Doyle, Jean Kotsiovos, and Rhonda Chicone

Christine O’Neal

Check the TCC program for dates, times, and other presentation information. Purdue Global employees may report participation in this event as professional development using the CTL Activity Reporting form

| Resources

PD Opportunities for the End of the Academic Year

Faculty responsibilities include completing and reporting no fewer than 8 hours of formal/active professional development each academic year. The CTL provides a variety of opportunities for professional development:

Faculty and staff can also earn professional development by attending the General Education Conference on April 23-25, with special Earth Day presentations on Monday, April 22. Learn more and register to attend

April 2, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, April 2, at 12:00 pm ET

Higher Ed Journal Roundtable: A Positive Environment of Engagement and Retention in Online Learning

Join the CTL for this Higher Ed Journal Roundtable discussion. This session will focus on the article A Positive Environment of Engagement and Retention in the Online Learning Environment

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 

Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Brightspace Updates

The following update to the Purdue Global instance of the Brightspace LMS occurred on Thursday, March 28.

Learn more about this update. Please contact askctl@purdueglobal.edu with any questions.

Turnitin Summit 2024

Purdue Global faculty and staff are invited to join an exclusive on-demand experience at the Turnitin Summit 2024 from April 24 through May 1. The event provides on-demand access to insightful keynote sessions and product workshops, unlocking a deeper understanding of the ever-evolving educational landscape. Led by TII top executives and experts, these sessions are tailored to empower and enrich your Turnitin journey. A few highlights include:

Register to attend the Turnitin Summit 2024. Purdue Global employees may report participation in this event as professional development using the CTL Activity Reporting form.

| Resources

Accessibility Resources

Accessibility in the online classroom is critical to student success. The CTL provides various resources for faculty in the area of accessibility. 

Visit the Accessibility page of the CTL site to learn more. Additional information about Student Accessibility Services is also available. 

March 2024

March 25, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, March 26, at 12:00 pm ET

Maximizing Impact: Crafting Effective Course Announcements

Join this interactive session to explore crafting effective course announcements in Brightspace. We'll also share tricks and tips for streamlining the announcement process.

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 


Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Register to Attend: GEC 2024

The General Education Conference offers Purdue Global faculty, staff, and administrators the opportunity to discuss and learn about the importance of General Education topics for students across the University. 

This year’s conference takes place April 23 - 25, with bonus Earth Day presentations on April 22.  This year's theme, Transitions, supports our transition from the School of General Education (SOGE) to the School of Multidisciplinary and Professional Studies (MaPS) while acknowledging the consistently transitional landscape of education. By embracing adaptability and growth, fundamental elements of Purdue University Global's philosophy, this theme aligns perfectly with our mission, vision, and purpose. It underscores our commitment to offering personalized, flexible education tailored to the unique needs of adult learners, showcasing our dedication to their continuous development and success.

Faculty, staff, and administrators are all invited to join us for an enriching experience of learning and dialogue. Together, we'll explore the significance of general education topics, delving into how they intersect with our students' needs and our overarching mission. This is a unique opportunity for everyone in our community to come together and engage in meaningful discussions that highlight the value of general education in shaping well-rounded, informed individuals.

Questions? Email: gvirtualconference@purdueglobal.edu

Register early and put the dates on your calendar! There are some fantastic presentations you will want to attend. Your attendance is an important part of the conference experience. Watch the conference site for an updated schedule. 

| Resources

Review Faculty Activities in APL

Prepare for the end of the academic year by reviewing your professional development, scholarship, and service activities documented in APL to ensure you are on track to meet requirements and goals. 

The following links provide video instructions on how to review each activity type in APL.

The CTL encourages faculty to use the CTL Activity Reporting Form to document activities to ensure that all required elements are included. Faculty who choose to self-report activities in APL must ensure that all required elements are included. More information about self-reporting is available

March 19, 2024

| Events

Thursday, March 21 at 10:00 am ET

Zoom Seminar Basics

Join this informative session about the basics of using Zoom for course seminars at Purdue Global.

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 


Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

CTL Sponsors 2024 TCC Online Conference Attendance

The Center for Teaching and Learning is proud to sponsor registrations for the 2024 TCC Online Conference on April 16-18. Registration is available, and all Purdue Global employees are welcome to attend.

Congratulations to the faculty and staff who will be presenting at the event. If you are presenting at the 2024 TCC conference and would like us to share your presentation information, please respond to this email with your presentation title, date and time of presentation, and names of any co-presenters. 

Check the TCC program for dates, times, and other presentation information. Purdue Global employees may report participation in this event as professional development using the CTL Activity Reporting form.

| Resources

Professional Development and Other Activity Reporting

There are 104 days left in the 2023-2024 academic year to meet your professional development requirements. The CTL provides professional development opportunities and an activity reporting service. Review your professional development, scholarship, and service activities documented in APL to ensure you are on track to meet requirements and goals. Learn more about professional development opportunities and reporting.

March 12, 2024

| Events

Wednesday, March 13 at 1:30 pm ET

Streamlining Grading with a Time-Saving Tool: Quick Eval in Brightspace

Quick Eval is a Brightspace tool that allows instructors to see a list of unevaluated learner submissions. Attend this session to learn more about the Quick Eval tool and how you can use it in your grading routine.

Thursday, March 14 at 6:00 pm ET

Women in Justice System Roundtable

Join us for a roundtable discussion about women in the justice system. The Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society and partnering clubs are sponsoring the event. Learn more about the session and the panelists. Registration is required. Purdue Global employees should use the activity reporting form to document professional development for participating. 

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 


Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Mark Your Calendar for the 2024 General Education Conference

Starting with bonus Earth Day presentations on Monday, April 22, the 2024 General Education Conference is right around the corner. Please mark your calendars for April 22 - 25 to attend both Earth Day presentations and the General Education Conference. Registration is required and will open soon. Check out the conference site for more information.

| Resources

Purdue Global Institutional Review Board

The Purdue Global Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a review body that safeguards the rights and well-being of human subjects recruited to participate in research conducted at, or in association with, the University. If you would like more information about the scope and purpose of the IRB, need to request a review, or want to ask any questions, please contact pgirb@purdueglobal.edu

March 5, 2024

| Events

Thursday, March 7, at 12:00 pm ET

Maximizing Student Learning with Impactful Feedback Techniques

The gradebook is not only an evaluation tool; it is a learning tool. Quality instructor feedback provides students with knowledge and encouragement to continue improving. Using quality feedback in the gradebook can positively impact student success. Join this session to explore providing effective feedback in Brightspace.  

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 


Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Women in Justice System Roundtable

Thursday, March 14, at 6:00 pm ET, join us for a roundtable discussion about women in the justice system. The Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society and partnering clubs are sponsoring the event. Learn more about the session and the panelists

Registration is required. Purdue Global employees should use the activity reporting form to document professional development for participating. 

| Resources

New Workshop Focuses on Crafting the Perfect Prompt

CTL051AI Alchemy: Crafting the Perfect Prompt is now available for all Purdue Global employees. This workshop expands upon the information William Ashley Johnson, Full-Time Faculty, English & Rhetoric Department, shared in his 2023 Purdue Global Village presentation about employing prompt engineering to impact the results returned from generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools. 

The CTL would like to sincerely thank William Ashley Johnson, Stuart Collins, and Jody Land for their work in creating this workshop.

Visit CTL Workshop Central to see all of the available learning opportunities. 

February 2024

February 27, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, February 27 at 12:00 pm ET

Efficient and Effective Feedback Delivery: An Introduction to Annotation Tools

The Annotation Feedback Tool in Brightspace provides unique features to enhance grading and feedback. Learn how to use the Annotation Feedback Tool, along with best practices for providing feedback on student submissions.

Thursday, February 29 at 3:00 pm ET

AI Guidance for Faculty

Join this session to discuss best practices and guidance around student use of AI tools.  

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 


Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Writing Across the Curriculum Workshops Updated to Include Artificial Intelligence

The CTL workshop CTL043, Writing Across the Curriculum, has been updated and now includes a module on Artificial Intelligence (AI). The new section addresses strategies for ethical AI use in the writing process and detecting and addressing students' AI use. For those who have already completed CTL043, a standalone module, CTL044, is available.

| Resources

Zoom Appointments

Instructors can create schedules for virtual office hours using the Appointments feature in Zoom. Once a schedule is created, students can book appointments from within the Seminar link of the course. Learn more in the faculty guide.

February 20, 2024

| Events

Wednesday, February 21 at 1:00 pm ET

Enhancing Online Education through Instructor-Created Video Content: Best Practices and Strategies

Kaltura is a video tool available to faculty and students in the Brightspace LMS. Learn more about using Kaltura in the classroom and best practices for instructor-created video resources.

Thursday, February 22 at 12:00 pm ET

Higher Ed Journal Roundtable: Human or AI? Connectives Hold the Clues

Join the CTL for this Higher Ed Journal Roundtable discussion. This session will focus on the article Human or AI? Connectives Hold the Clues in Faculty Focus on February 7, 2024.  

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 


Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Accommodations for Timed Assessments

If student accommodations include extended time for timed assessments, there are additional steps that must be taken to honor and be in compliance with a student’s approved accommodations. Please review the Student Accommodations Faculty Guide for details about accommodations for timed assessments. 

| Resources

CTL Workshop Central

The Center for Teaching and Learning provides self-paced workshops that are open to all Purdue Global employees. Workshop topics include artificial intelligence, introduction to Purdue Global students, time management, seminars, module courses, and more. For questions regarding workshops, please contact askctl@purdueglobal.edu. 

February 13, 2024

| Events

Monday, February 12 at 2:00 pm ET

Verse & Vision: Nurturing Creativity in Teaching & Well-being

Verse & Vision is a transformative professional development series inviting faculty and staff to explore the profound impact of creativity on teaching strategies and personal well-being. Each session offers a blend of collaborative workshops and dedicated writing time, empowering participants to harness their inner storytellers while nurturing teaching methods and fostering a balanced, creative life in education.

Tuesday, February 13 at 12:00 pm ET

The Great Breakout Room Adventure: Exploring Breakout Rooms in Zoom

Join this interactive session about using breakout rooms in Zoom for course seminars at Purdue Global.

Tuesday, February 13 at 3:00 pm ET

Humanities Book Club with Special Guest Martin Pritikin, Dean and Vice President of Purdue Global Law School

The re-launch of the Humanities Book Club will feature Scrute by Martin Pritikin, Dean and Vice President of Purdue Global Law School. "Between Wonder, Harry Potter, and Wayside School, Scrute mixes the realistic and the fantastical in a way that will make both kids and adults laugh." This event will highlight the book and include a Q&A for writers and readers. Dean Pritikin will discuss his books and writing process. The session should encourage others to follow their personal and professional goals. See you February 13 at 3 pm ET!

All are encouraged to read the book before attending.

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 

Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Do Not Add Start and End Dates to Content Items in Brightspace

New Instructor Permissions in Brightspace were launched in August 2023. This update expanded the teaching faculty's ability to customize their classes. The update allows faculty to create and edit content modules/items and discussion forums/topics. 

We have noticed an increase in the use of these expanded permissions to add start and end dates to course content items. Adding dates to course content items prevents students from accessing course content outside the date range and provides a negative student experience. 

Faculty must not add start and end dates to course content in Brightspace. If you would like to add important dates to the course, the Calendar widget provides this functionality. 

| Resources

Rubric Data Report

The Rubric Data Report provides detailed information about how students are performing on specific aspects of their assignments and discussion boards. The current report shares data as of February 2, 2024.

The report includes the following information for each criterion on each grading rubric: Average Score, Standard Deviation, and Total Scores. To help identify trends over time, these data are presented separately for each term of each course. The data are organized by department and can be filtered as needed.

The CTL, in collaboration with the Assessment and Research team, provides a workshop with guidance on how faculty and staff can use the Rubric Data Report. The workshop, CTL026 Rubric Data Report, is available to all faculty and staff on the CTL Workshop site

February 6, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, February 6 at 3:00 pm ET

Ethical Uses of AI for Faculty and Staff

Join Writing Across the Curriculum experts to learn more about how faculty and staff can use generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethically.

Thursday, February 8 at 10:00 am ET

Verse & Vision: Nurturing Creativity in Teaching & Well-being - Microfiction

Verse & Vision is a transformative professional development series inviting faculty and staff to explore the profound impact of creativity on teaching strategies and personal well-being. Each session offers a blend of collaborative workshops and dedicated writing time, empowering participants to harness their inner storytellers while nurturing teaching methods and fostering a balanced, creative life in education.

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 

(complete the reflection form for each session of the series you view)

Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Humanities Book Club - February 13

The re-launch of the Humanities Book Club will feature Scrute by Martin Pritikin, Dean and Vice President of Purdue Global Law School. "Between Wonder, Harry Potter, and Wayside School, Scrute mixes the realistic and the fantastical in a way that will make both kids and adults laugh." This event will highlight the book and include a Q&A for writers and readers. Dean Pritikin will discuss his books and writing process. The session should encourage others to follow their personal and professional goals. See you February 13 at 3:00 pm ET! All are encouraged to read the book before attending. 

| Resources

Detecting AI-Generated Content

From the AI Task Force: 

“AI-generated writing is any text that is produced by artificial intelligence (AI) systems, such as chatbots, text generators, or summarizers. AI-generated writing can be useful for many purposes, such as entertainment, education, or research. However, it can also be misused for deception, plagiarism, or manipulation. That’s why it’s important to be able to detect and evaluate AI-generated writing and to use it responsibly and ethically.” 

Learn more on the AI Task Force site

January 2024

January 30, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, January 30 at 12:00 pm ET

Efficiency Unleashed: The Benefits of Automated Messaging Using Intelligent Agents

Intelligent Agents (IAs) is a productivity tool available within Brightspace. IAs help to automate communication, including notifications and feedback to students. We will walk through the types of IAs available, demonstrate setup, and answer questions.

Wednesday, January 31 at 12:00 pm ET

Verse & Vision: Nurturing Creativity in Teaching & Well-being

Verse & Vision is a transformative professional development series inviting faculty and staff to explore the profound impact of creativity on teaching strategies and personal well-being. Each session offers a blend of collaborative workshops and dedicated writing time, empowering participants to harness their inner storytellers while nurturing teaching methods and fostering a balanced, creative life in education.

Wednesday, January 31 at 12:45 pm ET

Creating a Caring Campus: Strategies for Supporting (registration link)

The webinar aims to help us improve outcomes and reduce equity gaps for student parents, bring about lasting and positive changes in the education system, support student parents in their academic journey, and learn practical tips for staff and faculty on assisting student parents.

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 

Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Reminder: Final Week for General Education Conference Proposals

This is the FINAL WEEK to submit a proposal for the 2024 Virtual General Education Conference. Click here for more details and to officially submit a proposal. All proposals must be submitted by Thursday, February 1, 2024. Email gvirtualconference@purdueglobal.edu with questions.

All Purdue Global faculty, administration, and support staff are invited to collaborate with colleagues to demonstrate innovations that help us grow, share ways that you motivate students to propel them toward graduation, or showcase how your research supports academic reputation! 

Purdue Global Branded Presentation Slides

Some of the available brand assets were recently updated. Faculty using branded presentation slides should review the Brand Assets page on PGNet to ensure they have the most up-to-date version. The new files have been checked for accessibility. Older versions may not meet the accessibility guidelines required for all student-facing resources. Learn more about accessibility guidelines. 

| Resources

Grammarly Resources

Purdue Global has a university Grammarly license for faculty and staff. Grammarly is a software program that may help improve writing by providing suggestions to correct grammar and spelling and insights on writing style and tone. Grammarly can integrate with Microsoft Office, Windows, Chrome, and Google Docs. Additional information and resources for Grammarly are available on the CTL site

January 23, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, January 23 at 2:00 pm ET

Beyond the Participant List: This session will discuss ways to assess graded seminar participation in Zoom outside of using the participant list and chat transcript. 

Thursday, January 25 at 2:00 pm ET

Put on Your Oxygen Mask First: Exploring Faculty Care and Support: Join Jamie Thornton, Faculty, English and Rhetoric, School of Multidisciplinary and Professional Studies, for this session about faculty care and support.

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 

Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning

| Updates

Creating a Caring Campus: Strategies for Supporting*

The Student Success Coaching Caregiver Group presents Creating a Caring Campus: Strategies for Supporting Student Caregivers on January 31 at 12:45 pm ET. The webinar aims to help us improve outcomes and reduce equity gaps for student parents, bring about lasting and positive changes in the education system, support student parents in their academic journey, and learn practical tips for staff and faculty on assisting student parents. During the webinar, Jennifer Pocai, Program Manager from Ascend at the Aspen Institute’s Postsecondary Success for Parents Initiative, will share data on who student parents are and why better supporting them will increase postsecondary outcomes and decrease equity gaps. Learn more and register to attend.

*Purdue Global employees may report participation in this event as professional development using the CTL Activity Reporting form

From Scratch to Short Film: Applying LinkedIn Learning to Personal and Professional Goals

Join us for a movie screening! Paige Erickson, full-time faculty in Humanities and Social Sciences, will show her first short film, “Trades.” After the film, Paige will discuss how a LinkedIn Learning Course helped her tackle this creative project, explore the use of video in her classroom, and build camaraderie with students over lifelong learning. The event will offer faculty ways to use LinkedIn Learning resources to unite personal and professional goals. Join the session here on Monday, January 29, at 12:00 pm ET. 

| Resources

Grading Process Best Practices

In August 2023, the Purdue Global instance of the Brightspace LMS grading workflow was updated. At that time, the following grading process best practices were shared. 

Additional information about grading best practices is available on the CTL site

January 16, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, January 16 at 1:00 pm ET

Verse & Vision: Nurturing Creativity in Teaching & Well-being

Wednesday, January 17 at 12:30 pm ET

Zooming In on Polls: A Guide to Basic Zoom Polling Features

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning.

| Updates

PD400: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Curriculum Guide 

PD400 is a professional development course that serves as a companion to the DEI Curriculum Guide. The guide serves as a toolbox of resources to assist faculty in designing, implementing, and evaluating their courses. Faculty, Curriculum Specialists, and Media Developers can select a variety of strategies from this toolbox based on the needs of a course. Learn more and complete the PD400 course here

| Resources

Activity Reporting Form

The Activity Reporting form is for Purdue Global faculty and staff to report professional development, scholarship, and service activities. 

If you have questions, please email askctl@purdueglobal.edu for assistance. Learn more about professional development, scholarship, and service activities on the CTL site

January 9, 2024

| Events

Tuesday, January 16 at 1:00 pm ET

Verse & Vision: Nurturing Creativity in Teaching & Well-being

Wednesday, January 17 at 12:30 pm ET

Zooming In on Polls: A Guide to Basic Zoom Polling Features

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning.

PG SHRM Virtual Speaking Event: Learn what it takes to be successful in a competitive HR environment! Join special guest speaker Dr. Chris Healy on Tuesday, January 16 at 8:00 pm ET to learn more about working in human resources. View the event flyer for details. Please feel free to share this event with students and colleagues. 

| Updates

The 2024 Gauge Literary Journal Winter Issue: Call for Submissions

The Gauge is happy to announce that the call for submissions for the 2024 Winter Issues starts December 18, 2023, and ends February 16, 2024.  

For this issue, the theme is "Changing Climates" and can focus on weather/earth, mental, societal, unconventional climates, and more.  Let your imagination and inspiration take the wheel and submit to one or more of the following genres:

The Gauge editors look forward to seeing your submission.  If you have questions or would like to set up a brainstorming chat with our Creativity Coach, please email the Editor-in-Chief, Barbara Green, at BGreen@purdueglobal.edu.

PGLA V1.0 Goes Live on January 31

We're pleased to share a strategic component of the future of learning at Purdue Global. The Purdue Global Learning Assistant (PGLA) is an AI-powered conversational interface that students can engage with in a small sample of courses in Brightspace. PGLA version 1.0 is currently tailored to answer standard course administration questions. From course navigation to understanding the late work policy, PGLA will be a 24/7 embedded assistant to help support students in their coursework. 

The PG Learning Assistant will soon be available to students, accessed through Brightspace, enrolled in selected sections of CM107, MT140, CJ100, and ED720 in the 2401C term. The scheduled launch is set for January 31, contingent upon final testing reaching a satisfactory stage by January 23rd. Read more about the PGLA launch in the Monday Minute

| Resources

Zoom Seminar Training Sandbox 

Purdue Global faculty are given access to a Seminar Training Sandbox course in Brightspace upon completion of New Faculty Orientation. The sandbox course allows faculty to set up practice Zoom sessions to test settings and screen-sharing options. Learn more about the seminar sandbox course in the Faculty Guide


December 2023

December 19, 2023

Happy Holidays from the Center for Teaching and Learning

| Events

The weekly CTL email and live events will pause for the University Winter Break. In the meantime, check out the recordings from previous sessions in the Live Event Recording Catalog. Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form after viewing the recording. 

Recent Event Recordings:

Recording / Reflection Form

Recording / Reflection Form

Additional asynchronous professional development opportunities are available through the CTL Workshop Central and LinkedIn Learning.

| Updates

Brightspace Update - December 2023

The following updates to the Purdue Global instance of the Brightspace LMS will occur on Thursday, December 21, 2023.

Learn more about these updates. Please contact askctl@purdueglobal.edu with any questions. 

The 2024 Gauge Literary Journal Winter Issue: Call for Submissions

The Gauge is happy to announce that the call for submissions for the 2024 Winter Issues starts December 18, 2023, and ends February 16, 2024.  

For this issue, the theme is "Changing Climates" and can focus on weather/earth, mental, societal, unconventional climates, and more.  Let your imagination and inspiration take the wheel and submit to one or more of the following genres:

The Gauge editors look forward to seeing your submission.  If you have questions or would like to set up a brainstorming chat with our Creativity Coach, please email the Editor-in-Chief, Barbara Green, at BGreen@purdueglobal.edu.

| Resources

Previous Brightspace Updates 

The Purdue Global instance of Brightspace is updated monthly. When updates that impact faculty and students are made, information is shared in the weekly CTL email and the university’s newsletter, Monday Minute. You can find information about previous updates in the Brightspace Faculty Guide

December 11, 2023

| Events

Tuesday, December 12

12:00 pm ET: Exploring Brightspace Course Analytics

Thursday, December 14

7:00 pm ET: Enriching Seminars: Incorporating Guest Speakers and Alternative Hosts

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings.

Recording / Reflection Form

| Updates

Winter Break Grade Deadlines

Adding Course Activity Dates in Brightspace

Please do not add Start and End dates to activities/content in Brightspace. This will negatively impact students’ ability to access that content. If you would like to add dates, please use the course calendar widget. More information about the calendar widget is available in the Brightspace Faculty Guide.

| Resources

Professional Development Reporting

Faculty must complete and report professional development hours annually as outlined in the Faculty Handbook. We are about halfway through the academic year, so it is good to check your progress in meeting professional development requirements. This video walks through how to verify your professional development activities reported in APL. Learn more about activity reporting on the CTL site.

December 5, 2023

| Events

Tuesday, December 5

11:00 am ET: Introduction to Kaltura

Thursday, December 7

7:00 pm ET: Customize Your Brightspace Course

Friday, December 8

12:00 pm ET: Upskill with AI: Employee Session

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings.

GetSet: Supporting Student Success

Recording / Reflection Form

In this session, Karen McGregor and Ashley Flood from the Student Success team explore GetSet and how students are using it, explain the value of the platform, and share resources for students, faculty, and staff. 

Links shared in this session include the PG Interdepartmental Referral Form, GetSet slides to share in seminar, Faculty Pilot Sign Up, and the Student Success Faculty and Staff resource site

| Updates

2024 General Education Conference

Please join The School of Multidisciplinary and Professional Studies as we embark on our 16th annual Virtual General Education Conference. The General Education Conference offers Purdue University Global faculty, staff, and administrators the opportunity to discuss and learn about the importance of general education for students across the University. The conference is designed to draw in faculty, staff, and administrators from across the University to focus on the Mission of the School of Multidisciplinary and Professional Studies: to support areas of knowledge that comprise students' educational foundation.

Interested in presenting at this year’s conference? We invite all faculty and staff across the University to submit proposals around our theme. Click for more details here! All proposals must be submitted by February 1, 2024, by 11:59 pm ET.

This year the conference includes special pre-conference sessions for Earth Day! We invite faculty, staff, students, and administrators to join us for a day of learning on Monday, April 22, with presentations and activities centered on the theme Earth Day 2024: Our Sustainable Future. Please see the Earth Day page on our conference site to submit and participate. 

| Resources

The Purdue Global University Archive expands visibility and access to the scholarly output of our university's academic community by showcasing its works, activities, and history. Adding your content to the archive improves the digital preservation of your work at the university, provides open access to your work (when possible), and is an opportunity for you to add to the reputation of the university. Documents added to the repository also have a persistent, durable link you can use and cite in your own professional development. Learn more and submit your scholarly work

November 2023

November 28, 2023

| Events

Wednesday, November 29, at 6:00 pm ET

Upskill with AI: Student Session

Upskill with AI sessions will delve into various aspects of AI applications, providing a platform to learn, discuss, and share insights on various AI topics. This collaborative approach will help inform and shape the university's ongoing efforts to create comprehensive and effective guidelines for using AI technology.

Thursday, November 30, at 2:00 pm ET

GetSet: Supporting Student Success

Join Karen McGregor and Ashley Flood from the Student Success team as they showcase GetSet, an online social media platform exclusively for PG students.

| Updates

Winter Break 

Purdue Global recognizes Monday, December 25, 2023, and Monday, January 1, 2024, as employee holidays.

Student Information: 

Additional information with sample faculty and student messages is available from the Faculty Operations Department

| Resources

Screen Reader Resources

We’ve added a new section to the Accessibility Resources page on the CTL site. Screen reader technology enables individuals with visual impairments to access and interact with digital content. Learn more about screen reader technology and access helpful resources

November 21, 2023

| Events

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you a day filled with warmth, gratitude, and the joy of sharing special moments with loved ones. 

| Updates

November 2023 - Brightspace Updates

The following update to the Purdue Global instance of the Brightspace LMS occurred Wednesday, November 15, 2023.

Learn more about these updates. Please contact askctl@purdueglobal.edu with any questions. 

| Resources

Activity Reporting: Professional Development, Scholarship, Service, and More!

The Activity Reporting form is for Purdue Global faculty and staff to report professional development, scholarship, service, and meeting activities. The form streamlines activity reporting and helps to ensure all required elements are included. 

Learn more about activity reporting on the CTL site.

November 14, 2023

| Events

Thanksgiving Break

Purdue Global recognizes Thursday, November 23, and Friday, November 24, as employee holidays.

Student Information: 

Additional information with sample faculty and student messages is available from the Faculty Operations Department

| Updates

Purdue Global Village Recordings and Asynchronous Presentations

The recordings from the 2023 Purdue Global Village conference are available on the conference website. The poster, video, and podcast presentations are also available for review. You can earn professional development by viewing recordings, posters, videos, and podcasts. The reflection survey is available to report viewing and document professional development. Please reach out to pgvillage@purdueglobal.edu with any questions. 

| Resources

Scholarship and Research Resources

The CTL site offers a page dedicated to scholarship and research resources. The list includes research links, PG Library resources, IRB information, journal lists, and more. 

October 2023

October 31, 2023

| Events

Purdue Global Village Starts Monday, November 6

We look forward to seeing you this week for the 16th annual Purdue Global Village professional development conference. The conference includes five days of live presentations, asynchronous poster presentations, networking, and collaboration. Dr. Frank Dooley, Chancellor, will kick off the event with an opening keynote on Monday, November 6, at 10:00 am ET. Dr. Judy Lewandowski, Vice Provost, will give the closing keynote on Friday, November 10, at 1:00 pm ET. 

Visit the sessions page to view the schedule and learn more about the presentations. Registration is required to access and participate in the conference. Purdue Global employees are encouraged to use their Purdue Global Zoom account to attend. 

Learn more about the conference and register to attend

| Updates

Purdue Global Village Asynchronous Presentations

Purdue Global's Center for Teaching and Learning is excited to share our Poster, Video, and Podcast presentations with you. These asynchronous presentations are available to you throughout the conference and beyond. You can earn professional development by viewing these posters, videos, and podcasts. The reflection survey is available to report viewing and document professional development. Please reach out to pgvillage@purdueglobal.edu with any questions. 

| Resources

Reschedule/Ad Hoc Seminar Session Setup Instructions

With the recent changes to Purdue Global’s attendance policy, faculty must assign an alternative activity or reschedule any canceled seminar. Faculty cannot automatically grant points to a student for an assignment or seminar that was canceled or otherwise not completed by the student. Awarding unearned points can result in students receiving a failing grade when they should have been withdrawn from the course. Instructions for rescheduling or creating an ad hoc seminar session have been added to the faculty guide. 

October 24, 2023

| Events

As we are preparing for Purdue Global Village, there will not be any live events until after the conference. Please check the conference site for details, a schedule overview, and registration information. All Purdue Global employees are welcome to attend. In the meantime, check out the recordings from our recent events.

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development for live events by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. 

Recording / Reflection Form

Recording / Reflection Form

Recording / Reflection Form

Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings. 

| Updates

Speaker Call Out for 2024 Purdue Women’s Conference 

Ready to make a difference and inspire others? Share your story as a speaker at Purdue Women’s Conference 2024.

This empowering event motivates, uplifts, and connects women within a supportive community of Purdue alumnae and friends. We are seeking speakers who can ignite ideas and challenge participants to live their best lives! If you’re a Purdue alumna or a friend of the university, we encourage you to apply to speak at our 2024 conference. Submit your application today! 

| Resources

Faculty Academic Calendar

The Faculty Academic Calendar includes all dates and deadlines approved through the Academic Administrative Council and is maintained by the Office of the Registrar. The calendar is available to all faculty on the CTL site and provides vital dates by track and term. 

October 17, 2023

| Events

Tuesday, October 17, 2:00 pm

Empowered Presentation Prep: Crafting an Engaging and Dynamic Presentation

This interactive event will equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge to create compelling presentations. The session will cover structuring your content for maximum impact, incorporating visual aids effectively, refining your delivery style, and connecting with your audience.

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development for live events by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings.

Recording / Reflection Form

Recording / Reflection Form

Recording / Reflection Form 

| Updates

Shout out to Purdue Global Village Volunteers

Each year, faculty and staff are invited to join the CTL and Purdue Global Village Steering Committee to participate as part of our Conference Crew support team. These teams may make it look easy, but they put in a lot of effort, and we want to recognize them as outstanding, dedicated volunteers. 

Conference Crew members are recommended by their manager. They attend trainings, build leadership skills, support their peers, engage with colleagues, and host conference sessions while working alongside the CTL team. Attendees can interact with crew members during live sessions as they will lend their voices and diversify the conference experience. 

The Purdue Global Village Steering Committee is a group of faculty and staff from across the university. They assist with planning throughout the year, ideas for our theme, call for proposal process, reviewing proposals, and more.

See the smiling faces of our wonderful volunteers on the Purdue Global Village website and register to attend the conference held November 6 – 10, 2023. 

| Resources

Adding a Purdue Global Shared Calendar to Your Google Calendar

You can add a shared university calendar to your Google calendar. This will allow you to view all events shared on that calendar from your own Google calendar. Please note that you can only add these calendars to your Purdue Global Google calendar. The calendars are for internal use only. Learn more about shared calendars and how to add them to your Google Calendar. 

October 10, 2023

| Events

Tuesday, October 10, 3:00 pm

Zooming In on Polls: A Guide to Basic Zoom Polling Features

Join this interactive session about using polls in Zoom for course seminars at Purdue Global.

Thursday, October 12, 12:30 pm

Customize Your Brightspace Course

This training session will provide an overview of the instructor's create and edit permissions in Brightspace. The permissions provide faculty the ability to customize content modules/items and discussion forums/topics. The permissions are a part of the Classroom of the Future Purdue Global Move. The change will empower faculty with new ways to support student success in their Brightspace classrooms. Students will benefit from the added perspective of faculty expertise shared within unique content items and discussion topics in their classes.

Friday, October 13, 12:00 pm ET

AI Guidance for Faculty

Join this session to discuss best practices and guidance around the use of AI tools. 

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development for live events by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings.

Recording / Reflection Form

Recording / Reflection Form

Please use the CTL Activity Form to report recording views from the Forum.

| Updates

Preview Upcoming Library Changes

Matt Stevons shared, “Library 2.0” is coming soon! This fall, you will see a revised library website, a new version of EBSCO Discovery Service, and other updates. Read to find preview links and more information about the changes. Learn more about the changes in the latest Library News Blog post.

| Resources

Instructor Concerns Tool

The Instructor Concerns tool is a digital tool available in Brightspace used to record concerns that are subsequently delegated to the Office of Student Support team.  The concerns are in support of students if/when the instructor has a specific concern about the student related to their success, and they need the Office of Student Support team to follow up with the student. View the faculty guide and a video overview of the tool on the CTL website.

October 3, 2023

| Events

Tuesday, October 3, 12:00 pm

Zoom Seminar Basics

Join this informative session about the basics of using Zoom for course seminars at Purdue Global.

Wednesday, October 4, 1:00 pm

Upskill with AI: Employee Session

Upskill with AI sessions will delve into various aspects of AI applications, providing a platform to learn, discuss, and share insights on various AI topics. This collaborative approach will help inform and shape the university's ongoing efforts to create comprehensive and effective guidelines for using AI technology.

Thursday, October 5, 2:00 pm

Intro to Web Accessibility

The final session in the accessibility series will cover an Introduction to Web Accessibility as presented by WebAIM. We will take a look at the information and resources presented on this website and discuss how they can be applied to our work at Purdue Global.

Recent Event Recordings: Earn professional development for live events by viewing the recording and completing the reflection form. Visit the Live Event Recording Catalog for more event recordings.

Recording / Reflection Form

| Updates

Canceled Seminar Mandatory Alternative Assignment Update

With the recent changes to Purdue Global’s attendance policy, faculty must assign an alternative activity for any canceled seminar. Faculty cannot automatically grant points to a student for an assignment or seminar that was canceled or otherwise not completed by the student. Awarding unearned points can result in students receiving a failing grade when they should have been withdrawn from the course. 

If a seminar is canceled, instructions on how to complete an alternative assignment will be posted in the classroom announcements and emailed to students.  Students should reach out to their instructor with questions about the alternative assignment.

Please reach out to your academic chair with questions about alternative assignments for canceled seminars.

| Resources

Purdue Global Institutional Review Board

The Purdue Global Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a review body that safeguards the rights and well-being of human subjects recruited to participate in research conducted at, or in association with, the University. If you would like more information about the scope and purpose of the IRB, need to request a review, or want to ask any questions, please contact pgirb@purdueglobal.edu.