About the Center for Teaching and Learning

Mission and Vision

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) at Purdue Global is dedicated to fostering a culture of innovation, inspiring teaching excellence, and empowering student success. We strive to create a transformative learning environment that promotes engagement, creativity, and critical thinking, while encouraging ongoing development and improvement. Our commitment to growth ensures that we remain at the forefront of educational advancements, constantly adapting and evolving to meet the changing needs of our students and the ever-evolving landscape of education. 

| Growth and Innovation

We embrace a culture of growth and innovation, continuously seeking out new ideas, practices, and technologies that enhance teaching and learning. Through research, experimentation, and collaboration, we seek to identify and implement innovative approaches that engage learners, inspire curiosity, promote critical thinking, and prepare students for the challenges of a rapidly evolving world. 

| Teaching Excellence

We are dedicated to cultivating teaching excellence among faculty. We provide comprehensive professional development opportunities and resources to empower educators to continuously enhance their pedagogical skills. We aim to inspire effective, student-centered instruction that supports deep learning and intellectual growth by promoting evidence-based practices and fostering a community of reflective practitioners. 

| Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuous improvement and evidence-based decision-making. Through assessment, data analysis, and feedback loops, we continuously evaluate our programs, services, and initiatives to ensure they align with faculty's evolving needs. By embracing a culture of reflection and adaptability, we proactively respond to emerging trends and embrace opportunities for growth and innovation. 

The Center for Teaching and Learning is driven by our passion for educational excellence and our commitment to teaching excellence. We aim to be a trusted resource and catalyst for growth and innovation, empowering our community to shape the future of teaching and learning and inspire lifelong learning journeys.