Present Successfully

Develop a Quality Presentation: To ensure that both presenters and attendees alike enjoy a positive, informative experience, we encourage our presenters to thoughtfully and thoroughly design their presentations with the audience in mind.

Special Considerations: Keep the following in mind when putting together your presentation.

FERPA: Be aware of FERPA and student privacy issues when preparing your presentation. The following resources will help:

IRB: IRB protects the rights and welfare of human subjects recruited to participate in research activities conducted on or by Purdue University Global stakeholders. It is expected that presenters showcasing such research activities have sought IRB approval. IRB resources can be found here

Images: Please provide attribution for all images. Carefully consider the images you use in a presentation to avoid any copyright violations. Suggestions for copyright-free graphics include Pixabay, Pexels, and Unsplash.

Copyright information: Review What is Copyright? in the PG Library for more information on copyright.