Third-Party Application Request and Use

The use of any Google application, extension, or web application at Purdue Global by employees and with students requires vetting and approval. These applications and extensions are accessible by employees and students and are not part of the master course content. 

Purdue Global Course Content/Materials Policy

All course content for Purdue Global is stored in either Brightspace or the Curriculum servers. Faculty members, administrators, or members of the curriculum team will not create, post, store, or link course materials for students on any external sites or personal drives. This includes websites (eg. SMORES, YouTube, personal websites), Google sites, Google drives, and third-party tools.

Request and Approval Process

The approval process begins by submitting a request through Service Now. Upon successful review of the Service Now ticket, the request is then reviewed by the Purdue Global curriculum team. Kaplan, as our service provider, needs to control unauthorized access to Purdue Global data. The curriculum team must ensure accessibility of use with students and in courses. Additionally, these applications should not store any Purdue Global course content or student work. All course content and student work must be stored in the Brightspace platform. The combination of review through Service Now and the curriculum team will verify that the requested application or extension is appropriate for use at Purdue Global.

Please Note: The third-party application request and approval are different from the curriculum third-party tools site. Third-party tools are tools that are integrated within Brightspace such as vendor/publisher labs and are included in master course content. Those third-party tools must go through the third-party approval site. To ensure the integrity of the learning management system and compliance with federal regulations, all third-party tools must be vetted before integration. The approval process includes a review of accessibility, security, and technical compatibility. The amount of time to complete an integration depends on the technical complexity and vendor compliance.  Please allow at least two months lead time when requesting a new integration. 

To request access to a third-party application, add-on, or web app, please submit a request form via Service Now. The following types are now included in the form options:

Remember, we must protect our Purdue Global information from unauthorized use and have information that is accessible to all students. All student data and content used in these applications/tools must be secure, protected, and private. It is extremely important that Purdue Global employees do not use any unapproved applications with students or in Purdue Global courses.