Grammarly Resources

Purdue Global has a university Grammarly license for faculty and staff. Eligible new hires will receive an email invitation to activate their university account as part of the onboarding process. Activation instructions are provided in the email, and a guide is available below to walk through the initial setup and provide additional resources for using the tool. 

Grammarly is a software program that will help improve writing by providing suggestions to correct grammar and spelling and by providing insights on writing style and tone. Grammarly can integrate with Microsoft Office, Windows, Chrome, and Google Docs. 

If you have any questions, please contact

General Account Information

Grammarly Account Request Form

Grammarly Guide for Faculty and Staff

Grammarly Guide for Faculty and Staff

Grammarly: Update a Personally Paid Subscription

Purdue Global employees who wish to take advantage of the university account may update or cancel a personally paid subscription. Grammarly only allows one account per email address. Employees can choose to move their current paid subscription to a personal email account or cancel the subscription. Additional information and instructions are available for updating a personally paid subscription. 

Please note that canceling your subscription will only cancel future charges. Your current paid subscription will continue through the end of the subscription period. If you have significant time left on the subscription, it is best to move this account to a personal email address and allow the remainder of the subscription to run out there. 

Grammarly Update Personally Paid Subscription

Adding Grammarly to Chrome/Google Docs

Make sure you have the Chrome app installed on your computer. You can do this from the Grammarly account site when you are logged in with your PG account. 

Once you have the app installed, you should see the Grammarly icon in your web apps list (the puzzle icon at the top right of any Chrome browser window). You can pin the app for easy access. 

Open any Google doc and click on the Grammarly app in your browser bar or app list. You should be prompted to "turn on" the app for Google Docs. 

Once the app has been activated for Google Docs, you should see a Grammarly icon on the bottom right of your document. Clicking on that will allow you to check the document you are in through the Grammarly tool.