
The Purdue Global Seminar is an online synchronous session designed to encourage dynamic communication and collaboration between students and their instructors. Purdue Global uses Zoom to conduct course seminars. 

Canceled Seminar Mandatory Alternative Assignment

Faculty must assign an alternative activity for any canceled seminar. Faculty cannot automatically grant points to a student for an assignment or seminar that was canceled or otherwise not completed by the student. Awarding unearned points can result in students receiving a failing grade when they should have been withdrawn from the course. 

If a seminar is canceled, instructions on how to complete an alternative assignment will be posted in the classroom announcements and emailed to students. Students should reach out to their instructor with questions about the alternative assignment.

Seminar Workshop

The CTL037 Seminar Workshop is available to all faculty members as a voluntary and self-paced learning opportunity. This includes learning outcomes, materials, and an assessment. Check out the workshop here

Additionally, seminar material is available in New Faculty Orientation (NFO). To prepare our newly hired faculty to facilitate seminars, the CTL has developed training materials focused on faculty best practices for the unique challenges of conducting a successful video seminar. 


Faculty may play music at the start of a seminar as students enter the meeting room. We recommend sharing royalty-free music. Royalty-free music resources:

The CTL has curated a few tracks from the Pixabay selections that are available for faculty and staff to use.

Sample Seminar Hour Breakdown


Seminar Clock shared by Kim Jurowski, M.S. BCBA, Assistant Academic Department Chair, Psychology Department, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences